So depressing seeing these threads. This is the true "Poe effect".
There can never be true balance between all the characters, and as more are added, balance becomes more difficult. Some toons will always be more desirable than others. Nerfing these toons will just make the next toon more desirable, which brings that toon to the chopping block.
The only difference? People spend real life time and effort leveling these toons, and every nerf punishes people's real life time, effort, and money.
If GS is nerfed, then the next toon that is most desireable becomes farmed, until you see it everywhere, and then THAT toon will be dragged into a poll, asking for it to be nerfed.
An endless cycle, started by neophytes that don't truly understand the magnitude and ramifications of what they are asking for.
Everyone asking for a nerf is playing directly into EA's hands. We all have to level toons. Which toons get asked to get nerfed? Ackbar? Lando? No, popular toons. Toons a lot of people spend time, money, and effort leveling. So once Poe, GS, and whoevers next get the nerf bat, then all that effort is wasted, and we are forced to level someone else. I feel like Sisyphus.