If your third is getting killed before it takes a turn, you can try either putting in someone who’s harder to kill or can’t be targeted. I think I used XB and ITF along with HT when I played this one, since XB starts with stealth and ITF can give itself foresight on its first turn. XB will also spam breach, which is useful for keeping taunt up on HT. I don’t know if it’ll work with a 3 star XB, but you can give it a try. Maybe run HT, Biggs, XB, then reinforce Vader and Silencer for more damage once you survive the initial volley. Slave 1 is great for bypassing all the extra protection Mace hands out, but it’s hard to keep it alive long enough to use its special. You may also want to try Thrawn instead of Tarkin—yours is a bit undergeared but he does a lot better job keeping your toons alive between his special and Ultimate.