My recommendations for Seps:
Cantina - Geo Soldier 5*, Spy 6*, Soldier 6*, Spy 7*, Soldier 7*, Geo Brood Alpha 7* (his node is unlocked @lvl 85)
GW Store - Poggle 7*, Geo ships 7*
Guild Store - Sun Fac
Yes, ... like Old Ben said. I think Geos are less of an investment so easier.
Revans is good, then Malak, GAS, SLKR, JML (long way away)
Bastila lead would work, but Fives would be useless :) in that squad. If you want to get some decent Jedi (Jolee, someone I cannot think of) you can side farm as you won't need hard node energy for Geos
that will be great. As Old Ben said, you can use Kru's Silencer 5* but other ships you can only start at lvl 60. Vulture droid comes with Jedi Consular's fighter -- That does NOT mean you invest in Jedi Consular. That was my BIGGEST mistake.
Not that I can think of. Just, Phoenix is fastest way to a GL, but that GL is SEE and he is trash so irdc about him. Phoenix is a good investment (max gear 8-9) for Thrawn. You could do that instead of Revan as Thrawn is, has been, had been, and probably will be the ongoing best early/mid-game plug-n-play toon and meta counter. Also, GET AN ACCOUNT. It is really helpful.
Sure. Send a message to my ally code (can find in my