The jump start you get in ships has the potential to give you so many crystals. You will more than make up for any loss in Squad Arena or other modes.
Right now, the Squad Arena in your shard should be dominated by people who purchased the Hyperdrive bundle. You won't break through because they're all level 85 and got important boosts.
But with fleet arena, if they bought the pack they're in a different shard, because no one is assigned a shard until they hit level 60 - so they have one, you don't, and by the time you get one you'll be assigned a different one entirely.
When you do get there, the new Hyperdrive bundle purchasers will have too many toons to focus on all at once, and they typically (though not always) do not prioritize fleet.
For a number of other reasons as well, it's very possible for you to earn top 10 rewards in fleet right away - this is 200 crystals per day.
If you do this right, on day 1 you can have a planned, intentional fleet that only the Hyperdrive folks will be ready to compete against. And since fleet shards are smaller, it won't be that many. And, of course, you still have the ability to be competitive - maybe not every time, but be competitive, which is why I'm saying top10 and not #1.
But as you hit level 70 and level 80, you will beat some of those other players. And you might just take #1. The extra crystals benefit you like you wouldn't believe. You have to see how the effects cascade.
More crystals = more farming all at once = more characters = more GAC wins & faster up the raid ladder in your guild, etc.
But you have to either do extremely well in either Squad Arena or fleet Arena. You have to pick one, and in the early stages focus on it. Squad is much harder to do, and since the Hyperdrive Bundle was released, it's virtually impossible to get top50 without purchasing it.
So if squad is too difficult, that means that going all in on fleet & your geonosian pilots is the best short term strategy.
Everything in this game takes a long time. But if you can focus on one thing & do it well, all the other successes will come in time.
Also, if you're level 47? You should start Galactic War at level 50, I think? Or have you already started? Either way, make sure you get Cad Bane to 7-star before you start saving GW currency for ships. It shouldn't take long, but that way you have a 7* toon to drop into heroic raids, which means you can join a guild doing heroic Rancor & Heroic Tank & collect all those rewards without even doing any damage.
Separately, the Guild Tokens are hugely beneficial, and you can spend them on characters at this point. Valuable gear doesn't appear until later and the less valuable gear isn't worth Guild Tokens. Be patient. Let all that white & green & blue gear flow in from other sources. it seems like you're not getting enough now, but you can stay just a little behind your competitors without spending store resources while the speed with which you gain that white, blue & green gear keeps increasing. Then they'll hit the purple wall and have nothing saved up while you will have a combination of new toons acquired and tokens saved up for purple gear.
Having a plan detailing what's worth your spending and what isn't is going to be hugely important for you.