4 years ago
New F2P player lvl 70 needs guidance
Modding is according to Swgoh
suggestions but i still have a lot of work to do on modding.
I'm rank 39 in fleet arena.
The plan until 85 lvl is to slow down the upgrading of Jedi toons (except Bastilla) and start focusing on upgrade Phoenix and Geo pilots plus poogle while i side upgrade Jolee and Zaalbar.
1. Is the plan until 85 lvl right?
2. Who i buy next with arena tokens since Kanan and Tarkin are finished.
3. Silencer is 5* and Geos ships, Ahsokas ship and Vulture are close to 5*, do i stop buying them and start buy other ships or i continue to 7* all those?
4. Should i wait for Brood Geo in 83 to go for Padme or i should farm some1 else in Brood Alpha place and go for Padme with him as the fifth?