8 years agoNew Ace
New Meta Prediction:
Commander Luke(L) Baze Chirrut R2 GK.. I am not so sure about the last slot, But the above would make a beast of a team. Depending on rework ST-Han might take GK's slot.
"ZaulLover;c-1204857" wrote:
im not sure about Chaze or GK so much. in other threads you can see poxx explaining about chaze.
about GK - the cleanse barely needed now, the crit immunity barely needed, the counter attack barely needed... and as a tank, there are more options that can gain from being "Rebel". dont get me wrong, he might still be great, and eventually he maybe will be the best tank under CLS, but he's just not as useful as he was on other teams.
also, this team dont have that much damage output, lets say the truth. vs team of GK (L) with Zarris and Zives, i dont see this "meta" team win. i think that team without thrawn/DN will have hard time beating defensive teams, and therefore, i see meta teams using one of those.
also, STHan and Obi wan might be better option than baze or GK, because while GK and baze have "passive" taunt, that activated outside of turn, and STHan can be dispelled, you gotta consider R2D2 hide all but the taunter. TM manipulation of Han, with upcoming buff, can be amazing on that team, and obi wan have High defense, and luke obviously give 50% defense. add this to evasion of obi, and you have annoying team aswell.
the biggest problem, as i said, is damage output. therefore, Ezra (or zATF) is almost a must, or raid han/leia, considering their upcoming buff. i think that putting ezra in that team, along with r2d2 bonuses, will make him more dangerous than chirrut, and his calling to assist isnt to a baze - and ezra calling luke to assist can change the match completely.
So i think, the meta will introduce at least 1 toon that wasnt until now (besides CLS) - someone from the reworks, my bet is on STHan. r2 will continue to be crucial on high meta teams, and DN/Thrawn feels like a must. for a second attacker, i think ezra will shine almost like he does on zQGJ teams