10 years ago
New Players, Get Luminara , drop Jedi Consular
If I could start this game over again from scratch, like many other players, I would play it differently. The first and most important change would be to stop advancing JC as soon as possible and start advancing Luminara. I have a 7* JC, GL 8(4/6). Lumi outclasses him in every area. She heals for more, her basic hits for more, and her special hits for more. She has a valuable leader ability, JC has none.
Now that I am lvl 69, JC still figures prominently in my GW teams, but not Arena. The role he serves would be better served by Lumi in every instance. If I had both toons 7* full gear, JC would never get off my bench unless I sent in a team to die in GW.
I don't have her and I am doing fine, but gameplay would be better if I had her right now instead of JC. I hope this helps someone just starting the game and looking for a simple post.
Now that I am lvl 69, JC still figures prominently in my GW teams, but not Arena. The role he serves would be better served by Lumi in every instance. If I had both toons 7* full gear, JC would never get off my bench unless I sent in a team to die in GW.
I don't have her and I am doing fine, but gameplay would be better if I had her right now instead of JC. I hope this helps someone just starting the game and looking for a simple post.