Forum Discussion

DVZR's avatar
7 years ago

Next Ship Reinforce to Max?

Jan 2017 Fleet shard. Hold 1-20 if I pay attention.

My lineup is Chimera, Ghost, Biggs, Vader --> Phantom*, Cassian*, FOTP*, TFP.

* is Maxed reinforce.

I rarely get to TFP and really just want to remove him completely.

All at g8 pilots: Bistan? Wedge? Sun Fac? JC, Clone Sarge, Silencer, Ahsoka?

Have Kylo Command Shuttle and Finn Falcon at 6* and Hounds Tooth at 3* with G11 Bossk.

I have Boba at 6* but will not use him as he is free lunch as far as I am concerned.

Really have no clue who to do next.

13 Replies

  • Using hounds tooth as your starting tank, with biggs in reserve with his RI maxed is a strong option. HT with its crew ability maxed will absorb a ton of hits, and biggs can be called if/when needed and will immediately target lock and taunt the selected enemy with an immediate assist attack available. With ghost putting Vader under stealth, you don't have to worry if breach gets resisted either.
  • "chionophile;c-1638415" wrote:
    "Xx1xx2xx2;c-1638390" wrote:
    Maybe try replace vader with phantom. In ri I use poe with max , amazing guy.

    Phantom has the best reinforce in the game; why would you swap him into the starting lineup for Vader, who's one of the best starters in the game?

    Cause vader has an awesome ri...? He usuall takes out my opponents Biggs...