5 years ago
Nightsisters seem very useless to me.
Basically, I think the nightsisters squad is pretty useless for mid game players. I’m currently finishing up my SE and I’m working towards GAS now, but it seems like there are so many more important squads to go after before them. I gotta do my Separatists for GAS, ewoks for C3P0, gonna work on shaak ti clones after that so they’re geared up for GAS, etc. It seems like they’re a very low-reward investment compared to other squads because they’re not important in unlocking other characters and they’re a very mid tier team for PVP content. I’m definitely planning on finishing Geos, Bounty Hunters, and FO before even thinking about NS. Maybe someone can prove me wrong, I’m trying to see if there’s something I’m missing and if I should go after them.