Forum Discussion

Shinka707's avatar
6 years ago

Nihilus mods?

Currently my team is zzpalp, zthrawn, zsion, zvader, and Ztarkin. Shard is april2018. What mods should nihilus get? I was thinking speed/health or speed/potency? Thanks
  • I go for a speed set and then 2 tenacity mods simply because they were unused and had ok speed bonuses on them
  • Don't personally run him, but my brother does on that exact team. Has him set up with Speed + Tenacity with tenacity on the cross so he doesn't get ability blocked.
  • I used to run a similar team and I have health and defense mods on Nihilus with primary stats of speed arrow and potency cross, and lots of speed secondaries for a total of +97 speed.

    In my opinion, with Palp lead and Sion, Nihilus gets enough speed boost already so that speed mods aren’t needed—if you can get significant speed on secondaries. Potency matters to help drain force hit when enemies aren’t debuffed.

    What I also like about my setup is that if I use Nihilus in other squads or as a leader, the health and defense are helpful and don’t require re-modding.
  • Honestly I run him with all health sets since he gets stacking health bonuses from sion and traya. Just to get his health pool pretty high. I have +120 speed on him too. Currently taking all his mods to 6 dots
  • Speed set. The other set could be potency (to increase the chance of applying the health down with his zeta unique) or tenacity to resist TM removals or debuffs if you don't run Traya in your team.

    The cooldown increase from his force drain can't be resisted (tenacity up doesn't help), only dodged. If no dodging is involved --> 100% chance to increase CD on debuffed enemies, 50% for non-debuffed ones.
  • I stand corrected. But I will stick with what I’ve got because I am lazy and don’t care to change mods. :smile: I also have better uses for my speed mod sets than for Nihilus since I’m not using him in my arena team.
  • I run tenacity mods and speed on him to prevent stuns and fire off Annihilate faster, it’s also good if your Nihilus keeps getting crit hits to set off held by Hatred faster