Forum Discussion

cw888's avatar
8 years ago

Non-Kenobi Jedi Tanks

Building a Jedi team. Already zetaed QGJ. Both QGJ and Ezra is reasonably geared. Running Yoda because I don't have any other decent Jedi. zR2D2 has number crunch and serving in my Rebel arena team but I can use him easily for the Jedi team. I have no Kenobi, probably won't get one anytime soon. Who should fill the 5th slot?

There's Kanan and Old Ben and erm, Mace Windu. Mace is mediocre atm and doesn't even taunt. Is Old Ben better than Kanan? Or should I just roll without Jedi tanks and go for Aayla or Anakin and smokescreen whenever possible?

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