Forum Discussion

alepalermo79's avatar
3 years ago

Offense up feat bugged in today GC?

I did it 33 times but didn’t compete the feat…
  • Well.. probably you can’t do it with undersize team… did 60 times (with 5 people team) and it worked
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-2370394" wrote:
    "Kripty;c-2370393" wrote:
    I got it with Bad batch.. 4 man

    You got the offence up feat with Bad Batch?

    Come to think of it.. it might of been imp troopers.. (I’m a little tired, please forgive me)
  • Revan, Bastilla, Yoda, Jolee and Plo Koon did the trick. You just have to stall the fight long enough, for that I often used the event ability.