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ricklyf's avatar
6 years ago

Padme 5th

Im looking for a good 5th slot for my padme team. This is solely for arena and mainly to deal with Darth revan/Malak (and eventually GAS)

Current Padme team right now is: Padme g13 r4, Anakin g13 r7, GK g13 r4, ashoka g12 (just needs the last g12 finisher)

Options are:
C3po g12+3
GMY g12+5
Shaak ti g11(Im working on clones so I will continue to gear her up to at least g12 no matter what)
R2 g12+3
I also heard wat tambor might work mine is 5*g11
Here is my account in case that helps

9 Replies

  • Absolutely 3p0!!!

    And jack up ahsoka's relics and offense asap. Prioritize her damage output over anything else.

    Mod ani for health. If he dies vs malak, you're done.

    After ahsoka is maxed, get 3p0 to g13. He gets a good boost in survivability, but relics aren't worth the investment.
  • Im currently using 3po right now but my success rate is only about 60% vs revan. My ashoka dies fairly easy but after I g13 her I assume it will get much better.

    What should the turn order be for the team?
  • @Nova44
    Use the relic selector (top right) to get an idea of how her stats improve with different levels of relicing. ;)
  • "Nova44;c-2045715" wrote:
    Im currently using 3po right now but my success rate is only about 60% vs revan. My ashoka dies fairly easy but after I g13 her I assume it will get much better.

    What should the turn order be for the team?

    Turn order (fastest to slowest, accounting for all uniques):


    Since Padmé is immune to fear, by having her slowest, she will actually end up taking the first action on the team. Use your mass-cleanse ability, gain stacks of protection up for all of your team.

    3PO goes next, use special on GK. GK will gain 30% max health from his first stack of Translation, seriously adding to his survivability, especially if you decide to mod GK for health. His zeta is important here, you want GK taunting as long as possible to keep your attackers alive & healthy.

    GK goes next, should have some decent stacks of courage working if you modded him for health. I like to use his cleanse/retribution special if you need to remove a taunt from Ahsoka’s assist or don’t have many stacks of courage, or mass-assist special on HK/Badstilla if there is no taunt AND GK has at least 5 stacks of courage.

    JKA has lots of versatile options for his first turn, depending on opponet’s fourth and fifth member, and how you decide to mod JKA. I typically use his special, calling an assist on Sith Empire Trooper if he’s there to remove his taunt.

    Next use Ahsoka’s special to finish HK/Badstilla, whomever you think you need to take out first. I prefer to go for HK, but it’s a gamble with his higher survivability and extremely detrimental if you don’t kill him. A little bit of disagreement over whom to take out first, but definitely these are the first two you take out no matter what.

    From there, it’s just a lot of practice and learning. But this is a very effective opening sequence.
  • I hear GMY is more effective VS GAS as the 5th but 3pO and GMY seem to be relatively similar (for me) vs DR. Maybe slight edge to 3po.
  • People have also used a really fast r2 as the fifth to smokescreen GK as the first move of the match, so only get eats that first fear. R2 has a base speed 3 higher than DR.

    I think there is also a lineup where Ahsoka is dropped for R2 to help against DR, but I'm not familiar with it.
  • I like R2 because he adds health to everyone which means higher protection up. Plus, his bonuses give JKA more offense and potency, which really helps land the healing immunity on Malak.

    Team is Padme, JKA, Snips, GK, R2. All G13 except Snips, who is G12 +2.

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