This question is difficult to answer, as you’ve seen a different answer from everybody... and I’m about to add my two cents.
For starters, I use my Padmé to counter Malak. Building a Malak-counter Padmé team and building a Padmé team for any other purpose are entirely different. In fact, I consider them exact opposites. Building for a Malak-counter is more nuanced, here are some things to consider:
At higher relic levels, potency becomes important on JKA if you’re building a “slow Padmé” team to counter Malak. You’re really going to need to land Healing Immunity, likely several times. Consider a potency cross and a potency set.
I really like health + speed on Ahsoka over offense. I like to use her as a dispeller primarily, and I find she gathers stacks of Courage quickly and her special will OHKO anybody outside of Malak. Having Ahsoka faster than HK-47 is important, as HK will one-shot your toons as well, so this is also why I like to focus on speed.
I utilize a balanced GK, I don’t overload on health. I really like protection primaries and defensive sets. This helps to mitigate Malak’s Drain Life Special, and keeps GK alive longer in many (not all) instances. It’s also beneficial to mod this way if you decide to use GK elsewhere.
Finally, you definitely need every zeta, and turn order is important. After considering all unique speed bonuses, the speed should be: 3PO > GK > JKA > Ahsoka > Padmé.
If building for general purpose, as much health with speed secondaries is a safe and useful bet.