Forum Discussion

QuimSWGoH's avatar
9 years ago

Poe Dameron is still the best!

I started to play this game 20 or 25 days later after launch, but now I'm rank #1 in my server everyday at 06:00 PM, and it is thanks to Poe Dameron.

I think 3 weeks ago a lot of people started to get Poe, because 3 weeks ago few people in the TOP 15 on my server had Poe, but now 1 of every 2 teams have Poe.

In my server, the people who had Phasma as leader, now are between 30th and 50th position, in the first 30 positions you only can see Sidious, Qui-Gon Jinn, HK-47 or Poggle as leader.

Without Poe, everyday I was losing 40 or 50 positions in the rank, if I finished 15h in the rank at 06:00 PM, at 05:00 PM of the next day I was 60th in the rank, and with only 5 battles my best objective was get the TOP 20.

After get the gear 8 of Poe and 4 stars, with 7* Sidious as leader, and 7* Luminara, 7* Poggle and 6* Kylo Ren, replacing Dooku by Poe, in spite of that her speed was reduced from 143 to 142, and that her chance to expose was reduced from 65% to 50%, my team improved a lot, and I got into the TOP 7 in the first or second day, and from then I only lost 20 positions everyday, from 10th to 30th, for example, and, after get 5 stars of Poe, now I'm #1 in the rank everyday and I'm losing only 10 positions per day, I can get the rank #1 with only 3 battles.

So maybe now Poe is not essential, because if you have Geonosian Soldier and Qui-Gon Jinn and you have GS, QGJ, Poggle, Lumi and Rey, you don't need Poe to be #1 in the rank, you can kill one character with GS and another with QGJ and Rey, and then it's 5 vs 3, easy to win, but if you don't have GS, because you farmed Kylo Ren, if you don't have QGJ, because you farmed Daka and Poe, and you only have Sidious, Luminara, Poggle, Kylo Ren, IG-86, Daka, Dooku and Ventress, you need Poe to be the #1 in the rank, without Poe is very difficult get it.

Now i'm building a droid team, I have 5* IG-86 gear 8, 4* IG-88 gear 8, 4* HK-47 gear 7, and I will start to farm Geonosian Soldier, I want use a droid team with HK-47 as leader, and I don't know if it's better with Poe or with Geonosian Soldier, or if it depends of the opponent team, I think in 3 weeks I will be able to start to use a droid team, that I think is better than my current team, because a player who have HK-47, Poggle, IG-88, IG-86 and Poe is always in TOP 10 without lose more than 5 positions, so I think that a droid team is more powerful.

So Poe Dameron is not a nerf, he is still essential, change Poe by Qui-Gon Jinn, Rey, Leia or Yoda is worse, Poe Dameron is the first, also Poggle is essential, I think Kylo Ren is very useful because he can use her special abilities continuously, with less than 50% health and with offense up he can do crits of 16K or 18K and kill a character with one hit, and also very useful after Poe expose ability, and then the last 2 characters can be Sidious and Luminara, that are easy to get, Luminara is very useful if the AI attacks Poe Dameron first, if the AI attacks Sidious first he will be cured automatically, but if the AI attacks Poe it destroys the strategy, curing Poe the battle it's won, without curing Poe the battle is almost losing. Sidious is useful thanks to her leader ability, the AOE ability and the healing immunity ability, the exposed characters can die with the AOE of Kylo Ren and the AOE of Sidious, the best is don't use the AOE in the first turn, is better use it when Poggle applies the offense up, and then don't matter if the opponent also have Poe and uses her ability, the exposed characters will die before kill Poe. When my Poe use her ability, my Luminara can kill or block the Luminara opponent, my Kylo Ren can use her AOE ability and then my Sidious use her AOE ability, the exposed opponent characters die, then with Poggle kill some character with low health or attack the Poe opponent, with Luminara Poe opponent will die, if not with Kylo Ren, and the battle is won.

So, LONG LIVE THE KING!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Poe the best!!! B)

7 Replies

  • Considering you still see Poe pretty much everywhere up at the top, the hard facts of it seems to be that the nerf wasn't that bad after all. But I guess people just like screaming a lot and feeling bad for little to no reason, so of course there would be drama.

    Inb4: "it's a matter of dev communication", "Poe was nerfed too hard anyway", "lol stfu whale", and general forum banter.
  • Poe was nerfed pretty hard but given he's still damn good and on almost every top team, shows you how op he was prior to the nerf
  • I think that was a good decision from EA reduce the Poe speed and the expose chance, because before it have Poe was the unique option, now you can win Poe teams with fast characters as GS, QGJ as leader, Rey, Yoda, Dooku, Sidious or Leia, for example a team QGJ as leader, Sidious, GS, Rey and Dooku, so Dooku can stun Luminara, GS can kill Poggle or Sidious, and QGJ and Rey kill Poggle or Sidious, if the opponent have my team (Sidious (L), Luminara, Poggle, Poe and Kylo), after the 5 fast characters I will have Sidious killed, Poggle killed and Luminara stunned, only Poe and Kylo will attack in the first round, and in the second round the fast characters will attack Poe, Sidious will inflict the healing immunity, Qui-Gon Jinn will use the Humbling Blow ability, all allies will gain offense up, Poe will die in this round, and the opponent only have Luminara and Kylo Ren before the round 2, the battle is won.

    But not everyone have Qui-Gon Jinn, Rey, Yoda, Dooku and Geonosian Soldier, at the beginning, in the Cantina, I farmed Jedi Consular from 3* to 4* (30 shards), I got Datcha (80 shards), and then Kylo Ren (80+65+85+100=300 shards). It is buying 120 Cantina energy everyday with 100 crystals (currently I'm buying the 200 crystals energy also). If you started to play this game after launch, maybe you got around 500 shards, you can get 7* GS and 6* Kylo Ren, but the people, at the beginning, usually uses the shards to improve Jedi Consular, Chewbacca or Talia, or to get Luke Skywalker, few people can think that Geonosian Soldier is the best option at the beginning, so the people who farmed other characters can't have GS, for example I have only 1 star in GS, level 45 and gear 6, I will start to improve he after get 7 stars in Kylo Ren (16 shards left).

    Rey is very hard to get without pay money, if you pay 1.000 or 2.000 dollars is easy, but if you play for free, or if you only have payed 5, 10 or 20 dollars (I have paid 5 dollars for 1500 crystals bonus 7 days, for example), then it's very difficult have a useful Rey, for example I have 34/80 shards, currently I can't play hard battles of Rey because I need this energy to improve the gears, and to get Poe shards, but soon I will start to play the 3 hard battles of Rey everyday, and buy another 3 tries by 150 crystals (50x3), to get around 6 shard or Rey everyday, it means I can get 4* Rey in 8 days, the 5 stars in 11 days more, the 6 stars in 14 days more and the 7 stars in 17 days more, it is 50 days to get 7* Rey, and if you play for free you need be in the TOP 3 in the Arena to get these crystals, and until now I have invested the crystals for the Cantina energy and the normal energy, not for Rey shards.

    Qui-Gon Jinn is available a few days ago, so before it the most normal thing is invest the Cantina credits to buy shards of Poe, Daka and CT-5555, so you can't have a good QGJ if you started to get he after to be available.

    To get Yoda you need 5 jedis with at least 6 stars, it is very hard, Jedi Consular is farmable from cantina, Eeth Koth from Arena chips, Luminara from GW chips, but the other 2 jedis are hard to get and improve to 6 or 7 stars.

    I have 4 stars Dooku, but I needed play hard battles everyday to get he and to improve he from 3* to 4 stars, because he was not available in Cantina before, so the people maybe have Dooku with 3 or 4 stars, but not with 6 or 7 stars, and with only 4 stars he is weak, only 8K health, easy to kill.

    So at this moment the people have Sidious, Luminara, Jedi Consular, Phasma, Barriss Offee, Poggle, Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, Asajj Ventress, IG-86, Daka, CT-5555, 4* or 5* Dooku, 4* Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Han, Jawa, Talia and Kylo Ren.

    But thanks to reduce the power of Poe, the people will be able to make teams without Poe, because the high speed will be more important than Poe, but at this moment , while the people get these characters, Poe is essential and will continue being essential at least 2 or 3 months, the enough time to get Geonosian Soldier, Rey, Qui-Gon Jinn and Dooku, then the people will start to use a team as QGJ (L), Sidious, Dooku, Rey and GS, killing 2 characters before the Poe taunt and stunning Luminara, maybe then Poe will be a nerf, but from now he is still the best :smiley:

    I said "long live the king", but the real thing is that Poe have 3 months of live in the best of cases :D but meantime we can enjoy he :smiley:
  • "Crymsonkyng;151244" wrote:
    Now RG is the new king.

    RG can be better than Poe in some teams, because the ability to expose is not the most important thing of Poe, the most important thing is the taunt, but in some teams is important the remove 25% of turn meter, thanks to it, characters as Luminara or Kylo Ren can go first that the opponent's Luminara or Kylo Ren , and Luminara can block the opponent's Luminara.

    RG don't have this ability of reduce turn meter, so it means that if you have a droid or a character with only 9K or 10K of health, the opponen't Geonosian Soldier or Qui-Gon Jinn can kill your character before the taunt of Royal Guard, and also you can lose 2 characters and the taunt will not be activated, Geonosian Soldier can kill IG-88 and Qui-Gon Jin with a good assist can kill your IG-86, and if you have Luminara to cure the droid, the opponent's Kylo Ren can use her AOE ability and kill the rest of droid, because Kylo Ren and Luminara have the same turn of play, the 8th turn, if the opponent have Poe and Poggle, in the next round Qui-Gon Jin will be the first and eliminate the taunt with the special ability.

    The interesting thing about a tank is that it forces to attack the tank, if you can attack the other characters the tank is not useful.

    In the droid teams Poe will continue being the best option, better than Royal Guard, because he can taunt at the beginning, and if the opponent have 3 fast characters, as GS, Rey and QGJ as leader, a good option is also have GS and kill he first, or kill QGJ or Rey first.

    Royal Guard maybe is a better option in a team with characters with a lot of health, as Kylo Ren, Darth Vader, CT-5555, Luminara to cure, and Royal Guard, to prevent that a character die in a first turn, or maybe Savage Opress, Tusken Raider, and other characters with a lot of health.

    Also is good to say that Royal Guard is very hard to get, there are only 2 hard battles per day, if you buy 3 extra attempts with 50 crystals, in the best of cases you will get 4 shards per day, you will need 2 months and 15 days to get 7 stars, and 50 days to get 6 stars, and from then the people will have most fast characters that now, the players who play for free will have Rey, Geonosian Soldier, Dooku, Yoda, QGJ as leader, with also Sidious, it is 5 fast characters that can kill your characters before the ability of Royal Guard, will be very common to see players with teams as Qui-Gon Jin (L), Sidious, Dooku, Rey and Geonosian Soldier, these are characters that you can get for free, and also is free get Yoda, with teams as Sidious (L), Yoda, Dooku, Rey and Geonosian Soldier.

    So Royal Guard will not be a good character if your opponent is killing characters before he can taunt, Poe and RG will be nerfed before get RG :smiley:

  • RG is better than Poe for classic droid teams, so far, from playing top ten since RG got buffed and top 10 since December.

    This is coming from a #1 Droid team user on MASSIVELY competitive shard... every top 10 guy is quiggles, Geo, Rey, FOTP, 7 star yoda, ect.

    Poe cannot stop 2x one shot attempts.

    Every team must compete against Quiggles lead assist attack, followed by Rey, followed by Yoda and/or insert Sid/Dooku. All of this happens before Poe.

    If you can survive by a SLIVER of health on IG-88 from the opening Sid/Rey salvo, then RG activates and you can usually win. EVEN IF Quiggles takes away RG taunt, that's OK.. RG has eaten 2x one shotting attacks. That's all that matters.

    Past that, speed is handled by either Poggle up or HK crit speed boost. Poggle is more reliable right now and gives you the ability to one shot their Rey possibly with Geo in the team due to the 25% dmg boost.

    Droids trying to survive the "long game" (IE after turn 1) just don't cut it. Not on my shard, anyway.

    Droids are just the poor man's not-rey/QGJ/Geo/Yoda setup. They got nerfed to hard. Even phasma led teams with Geo/Daka/Sid ect have more utility right now with the crazy defensive proc rates.