10 years ago
Poe vs. Chewy
New-ish player here. I have both Chewy and Poe 3*Star. I'm using them both now but wondering if one is better and is using both of them overkill in a group? thanks. Also, which is better in the LE...
"Heronmar;26716" wrote:Yes that's exactly why this game is fun because no team wins every match. It has to be some sacrifices between tankier characters (but not really a tank) and glass cannons with awesome bursty power and of course tankier characters tend to do lesser damage. So it's really a problem of balancing but I find it working quite well as there's so few encounters in arena with high star leia or FOTP or some sorts."MasterTamias;26677" wrote:
I have Chewie in 6 stars and I am the only one using him in top 10 of my server. Chewie acts as a health reserve for my team and he is rarely killed in his taunted turn. That being said, Chewie works seamlessly with barriss who also has many hp because their health can be equalized to all your glass cannons when needed. The typical scenario in arena is that the opponents severely injured -if not dead already- your glass cannons in the first turn, then chewie taunts, barriss equalizes, chewie self heals. Then you have undergone the hardest part of the match.
However, if you don't have barriss, I won't hesitate a second to swap Chewie out.
But considering that both Chewie and Barriss are both slow toons compared to most DPS, how do you survive the initial onslaught sure after you taunt you probably can soak the damage but do you not lose an initial toon with the opening of your opponent or do you simply not run any glass cannons?