Forum Discussion

orangenee's avatar
7 years ago

Poggle The Lesser plus ?

So in around 14 years once I finish all the other teams I *have to have* to get other toons I *have to have* to hold top 300000 in arena and whatnot. /exaggeration.

I'll be needing other projects.

Poggle recently decided it would be a good idea to drop from a bronzium pack.

Got me to thinking, is a droid team a good idea? If so, what should be in it. I see Grievous is considered in dire need of a tune up but the other droids like IG-86 and IG-88 seem alright.
  • Droid teams aren't very good, unfortunately. They're kind of an afterthought faction.

    However, one thing I will say about pretty much any solid droid team is that Poggle is not on it.

    Also, a lot of the best droids are late game units. R2-D2, BB-8, and Imperial Probe Droid, most notably. It's hard to make a good droid team without at least some of those pieces.
  • All frail
    No tank
    Heavily reliant on crits
    Don't even have the damage output of teams like Jedi Rey
    Against Palp will get walled by Sion
    Need Jawa Enigeer to remotely be viable
  • "Zombie961;c-1538225" wrote:
    All frail
    No tank
    Heavily reliant on crits
    Don't even have the damage output of teams like Jedi Rey
    Against Palp will get walled by Sion
    Need Jawa Enigeer to remotely be viable

    Droids have 2 tanks: Chief Nebit and K2S0.
    Jawa Engineer isn't on a good droid team these days. BB8 takes his place with no problems.

    Droids are a really good team to build for several things. They aren't that good in arena, but they can still take 1st place (HK, bb, r2, IPD, 88/chopper). They are an excellent crew to clean up some tough squads in territory war due to their overwhelming speed. They are great on the tank phases of the AAT, and if you want to beat that ewok assault battle's mythic tier, droids are for sure the way to go there. If you haven't beaten galactic war enough times to sim it, droids can pretty much auto the whole thing if you have bb8.

    Poggle's only real place on a droid team these days is as someone to drop the buff on your droids to keep the main gun from killing them in p4 of the AAT (if you don't have bb8) though Jawa Engineer can do that himself with precise timing (he needs about 270 speed for it to work). Luckily speed down doesn't affect the tank so the timing is pretty easy.

  • So it's decent in a few situations then.

    I don't have the cash to go around chasing metas so I was thinking of potential nasty surprise squads, and Poggle made me think of droids after checking his abilities.

    I'm kind of in the "Phoenix zone" in arena, and mirror matches are no fun. Seems like droids are out for that. My other team has no synergy for the time being which costs places even though it's pretty well powered up.
  • Chopper unfortunately makes droids a liability with his TM-draining, stunning buff cleanse. Especially droid tanks. So you end up in a situation where early-game, a hard counter in Chopper is ubiquitous, and late game, you have access to so many much better teams.