Forum Discussion

Lugo_F2P_Gamer's avatar
8 years ago

Possible Solo P3 HAAT Team

Nute (L), Teebo, Ewok Elder, R2D2, and Chewie

Maxed Abilities Needed
Nute: Basic and Leader
Teebo: All
Ewok Elder: All
R2D2: Basic and Vanish Special
Chewie: All "don't need the Zeta for self heal."

So hear is how to play thies toons: R2D2 use Stealth and target Chewie. Nute only use basic. Ewok Elder only use basic untill Chewie starts to loose health. Also only use Ewok Elder heal on Chewie while he isn't stealth cause his basic can give 100% TM while stealth with Nute lead. Chewie save his Taunt till Tank is about to get its turn. That way tank can only aim at Chewie. This will save all other toons who might loose stealth befor tanks turn. Save Chewie's heal till he drops below 50% HP. Teebo use stealth when he isn't stealthed. Use basic if he is stealthed. Tank will get some counter on chewie and get offence up buff. If Teebo is ever out of stealth and can't restealth then use his other special to remove 60% TM and boss buff.

That's the Set Up Try it if you want.
This Set Up was brought to you by Lugo from Padiwan Inc.