Forum Discussion

abc1247246820's avatar
8 years ago

Princess Zody

So I'm finally on the verge of maxing out this team. What are the ideal mods for each member, ideal speed to shoot for for each member, and what are the best mod sets for each member for this squad to be effective? Thanks a bunch in advance for any feedback.

2 Replies

  • Kaipyro's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    8 years ago
    Zody needs speed over 230, that's the most important thing . Use any combo of mods to get him there.
    Leia needs speed over Cody and offense/ crit damage

    The other 3 clones all need the same mod types- critical damage and critical chance mods. Crit damage triangles and overall crit chance should be 40-45%. None of these clones need speed.

    That's it and make s ure they are all fully geared