Forum Discussion

Metroplex79's avatar
7 years ago

Questions about Protection

It feels weird asking after playing for playing such a long time and not knowing.

How much better is loading up on protection over loading up on health?

Example - assume all else equal, non-special ability attack, no critical hit, no massive health steal, no protection regeneration, etc.

-If my Toon has 10,000 Protection and 10,000 Health
-Opponent Toon hits my Toon
-Opponent does 2,000 damage on hit
-So my Toon would be 8,000 Protection and 10,000 Health


-If my Toon has 0 Protection and 10,000 Health
-Opponent Toon hits my Toon
-Opponent does 2,000 damage on hit
-So would my Toon still be at 8,000 Health? or would there be more damage?

Does Armor help a Toon's protection at all? Or is it just to aid in your health stats?
What's the typical tactic in this situation?

> If there's a healer on your squad, you can load up a Taunting Tank Toon with loads of Health?

> If there's no healer on your squad, you have to load a Taunting Tank Toon up with loads of Defence and Protection? Do I worry about health at all?

Sorry, still drinking my morning coffee, hopefully my thoughts are all there for you.
  • The amount of damage is the same whether it’s protection or health being removed. Health is easier to get back, that is its advantage. But because of that (and because the system was put in place before there were many options for protection regen), it’s easier to get bigger protection boosts from mods and whatnot. So you choose a protection primary over a health primary mod because it’s going to work out to a bigger number.

    Armor reduces the damage you take, I don’t believe it affects your health or protection.
  • Having high protection and low health is also good if you are facing enemies that use expose. Expose does damage based on a % of total health.

    Bariss offee heals has a heal 15% of max health so if you have Bariss in your team and 10k health and 10k protection (max) you can recover 1500 from a heal. If your health is 15k you might recover 2250 from a heal.
  • As @Liath said armour reduces damage for instance if your armour is 30% then you will only take 70% of the potential damage.
  • Protection versus health is really a question of your team composition and that of your enemy/opponent. If facing NS, protection is virtually useless and having high health would make a much greater impact. If you are using healers, than once again, focus on health over protection. If, instead, you have characters that can recover or restore protection, focusing there would be helpful. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer here but as Liath stated above, the bonuses you can get on protection from mods tends to be much greater than what you can get to boost your health.
  • Thanks all. I guess my title should have been Armor vs Protection vs Health.
    (on 2nd cup of coffee now :p )

    "Mattie_Walker_86;c-1426566" wrote:
    As @Liath said armour reduces damage for instance if your armour is 30% then you will only take 70% of the potential damage.

    That would be on reducing damage to both Health and Protection or just Health?

    I wasn't sure if Armor would reduce damage on Protection at all.
  • "Metroplex79;c-1426578" wrote:
    Thanks all.

    "Mattie_Walker_86;c-1426566" wrote:
    As @Liath said armour reduces damage for instance if your armour is 30% then you will only take 70% of the potential damage.

    That would be on reducing damage to both Health and Protection or just Health?

    I wasn't sure if Armor would reduce damage on Protection at all.

    As I said, there is no such thing as “damage to health” or “damage to protection.” You just take damage, and if you have protection that damage depletes your protection first (unless it’s one of the few abilities that bypasses protection). If somebody does 2000 damage to you, it’s 2000 damage regardless of your health or protection. If you happen to have 1000 protection left at that moment, it will remove that and also the remaining 1000 off your health. The armor reduction is to the damage so it makes no difference whether you have protection at the time or not.
  • Moved to strategy.

    That's a load of assumptions to go with. All of those things might impact your decision. As others have said, sometimes it just depends. That being said, at high gear levels it's usually a lot easier to get more protection.
  • Thanks again all. Just needed confirmation.

    I guess I was thinking too much on my end. Like if I wore armor like a Mandolorian, would it affect my personal shield. Hits would wear out my shield first, then my armor would reduce the damage to my body.

    This makes it a whole lot easier.