Forum Discussion

Hoffman72510's avatar
7 years ago

Rebel maneuvers?

Trying to decide on my next zeta, currently running Titans with CLS/Thrawn/OB/raid Han/GK with CLS ibat, R2 NC and OB's unique zeta'd.

My current ideas are,

OBs taunt to stop those pesky fractures, the downside to this being DN and his basic attack buff removal and Sions AoE dispel. It still gives me a turn of breathing room however.

R2's combat analysis, which is an amazing zeta but i feel like it could backfire more often than not by feeding empire/nightmare teams TM.

This got me thinking about CLS' lead. It clicked tonight against my 1st arena fight when 4 out of 5 enemies resisted OB's ability block and the million other resists due to the negative potency from EP.

Thoughts? Should I just save it? I just finished my FO farm for BB8 at the end of the month but I won't really need to zeta him until JTR and I have 3 zetas banked already for them. Another idea was to zeta KRU, I don't THINK I'll need his zeta to get BB8 as the event is super easy even at G9, but I guess anything is possible. I don't plan on using my FO squad in raids/tw until I've farmed out some better characters such as FOX, Kylo or FOST, I just farmed up the easiest 5 for the BB8 event. My current FO is KRU/FOTP/FOSFTP/Phasma/FOO
  • I think it’s going to depend on your arena shard composition. If you’re seeing a bunch of Bastila Jedi teams pop up, then Rebel Maneuvers is going to be very worthwhile since the other teams will be resisting a lot of debuffs. But if you’re dealing more with Nightmare or Triumvirate teams, it won’t make as big of an impact except against Sion.
  • "XxDougyDougyxX;c-1620868" wrote:
    Titans have fallen out of favor. I beat double or triple zeta CLS G12 titan teams with nightmare G11

    There's two sides to that coin, I beat nightmare all day long and stay in the top 30 with Titans. I counted yesterday and my shard was 42/50 EP lead teams, and since I hate mirror matches and meta chasing I went with Titans.

    "Kai_Mulai;c-1620873" wrote:
    I think it’s going to depend on your arena shard composition. If you’re seeing a bunch of Bastila Jedi teams pop up, then Rebel Maneuvers is going to be very worthwhile since the other teams will be resisting a lot of debuffs. But if you’re dealing more with Nightmare or Triumvirate teams, it won’t make as big of an impact except against Sion.

    There's a couple that have popped up recently but it's still predominately nightmare. I didn't think ibat would make much of a difference but it was actually huge, and I get resisted like crazy against the -25 potency EP lead.