6 years ago
Resistance Best Team Build for GA TW
Ive managed so far to avoid gearing up resistance. This leaves me wondering who is the best:
1. I know for the sith raid Rey, bb8, 3p0, r2, and Finn
But I’m more thinking about for GA and TWs... who is the best team as I use 3p0 with rebels and bb8 is with my GGnuke
2. Is holdo with gearing ?
3. If so scav Rey vs resistance trooper ?
4. Is resistance pilot good if only for the ship if the ship is good ?
1. I know for the sith raid Rey, bb8, 3p0, r2, and Finn
But I’m more thinking about for GA and TWs... who is the best team as I use 3p0 with rebels and bb8 is with my GGnuke
2. Is holdo with gearing ?
3. If so scav Rey vs resistance trooper ?
4. Is resistance pilot good if only for the ship if the ship is good ?