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AthenasonCEF's avatar
6 years ago

Resistance Best Team Build for GA TW

Ive managed so far to avoid gearing up resistance. This leaves me wondering who is the best:

1. I know for the sith raid Rey, bb8, 3p0, r2, and Finn

But I’m more thinking about for GA and TWs... who is the best team as I use 3p0 with rebels and bb8 is with my GGnuke

2. Is holdo with gearing ?
3. If so scav Rey vs resistance trooper ?
4. Is resistance pilot good if only for the ship if the ship is good ?

6 Replies

  • The only awful Resistance character is Resistance Pilot. Scav Rey is old and Poe is pretty situational so you probably don't wanna use either of them. I wouldn't call Rose worth it, but she may be needed for an event come december.

    Holdo is good for heals and aoe daze. Not very useful in raids, but can be used in pvp.

    However, bb8 is absolutely crucial to a resistance team. He gets them started to begin the match, and then the huge burst of ID if the match lasts long enough and your team isn't torn apart from them.

    Resistance teams are pretty much
    JTR, BB8, +3

    Where the plus three depends on who you are fighting and who you have. Viable members include -
    any resistance not named pilot and preferably not poe
    any droid not named IG-86

    you want at least one no-bb8 droid to get pump out a little more bonus tm.

    you want Resistance Trooper over Scav Rey. Scav hits harder, but RT hits more often and dispels.

    So you should probably do something along the lines of
    JTR, BB8, R2, RT, Holdo
  • Pointless to gear up res without bb8. He is pretty mandatory for res, he’s the engine.

    Maybe swap your nuke squad to a separatist droid squad to release him for an extra team?

    Jtr, bb8, RT, Finn, Poe.

    Swap Poe out for r2d2 if you need the extra speed.

    Save them for attack for a hard counter for BH, FO, OR, scoundrels.
  • This is my old arena team. I use it for TW and GAC offense now, usually against BH teams.
    It very rarely loses on offense. 1/15 is a loss. zFinn is still a great asset if you don't have JTR. The key is a pretty fast Poe. Against zBossk if Boss is faster and they have Dengar, it poses more challenge. If Boss is slower than Poe then the TM train just keeps going if you shoot the exposes and stun the Fetts and Bossk.
  • Don't listen to anyone saying Rose or Holdo are awful, they don't know what they're talking about. They're ignorant haters.

    It depends what you want--One best team or two good teams. If you want one best team (and no C-3P0, since you've got him with Rebels. I assume you're okay with R2 being in the team, but you may want to save him for elsewhere) Jedi Rey, BB-8, Finn, either Scavenger Rey or Holdo for their dazes, and either R2 for utility and to give BB-8 TM to start or Trooper to dispel buffs and do lots of damage.

    If you want two very good offensive teams:
    Rey, Rey, Holdo, BB-8, R2 gives a great mix of damage, allows Scavenger Rey to be debuffed less to maximize damage, has a beefy tank that can heal and spreads foresight all over the place, and has two sources of AoE to keep exposes spread for TM reduction on whoever you're not focusing on.

    Finn, Poe, Pilot, Trooper, Rose has all the expose abuse of pre-rework Finn, but adds a second stun from Rose to cover for the reduced TM gain from New Nasty Finn's leader ability. Rose's other special is situationally useful in dropping an enemy's TM if they're about to take a turn, but is supremely useful if you're up against First Order. Pilot is far from trash as she has an expose on a short cooldown and this team is predicated on exposes. Anyone calling her trash can go fall in a deep hole.
  • For GAC and TW I use JTR, scav rey, bb8, finn and RT for offense vs BH, OR and a few other mid tier comps.

    I’m in div 3 in GAC and don’t need a GG nuke team, I use a padme team if I face DR/malak on D. I would look into changing your GG team if you can so you can use BB8 with JTR.
  • Finn's lead with the +potency, and his expose and his stun more than make up for the C3PO/Finn nerf they did. Yes, his lead is not comparable to Jedi Training Rey but if you don't foresee getting her in the next year a zeta Finn lead is not a bad TW GAC team at all. If you are careful in how you do it it can also take NS teams. It lands more than enough consistent exposes to get a reliable TM train, and honestly BB8 is more valuable for the tenacity down in a lot of battles. His illumination is more valuable at the emd to regenerate health amd protection back to 100% to give 60 banners in GAC.

    In most cases against BH teams the zFInn lets me beat them with them ever getting a single shot off. They are lucky to get 3.

    Oh, and the most beautiful part is that it os just 1 out of the way zeta to make it really good. You were gonna end up zeta bb8 anyway

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