5 years ago
Returning Player Plan
Came back to the game for about a month now and seems like I'll stick to it this time. Was playing properly till Fleets 2.0, then stopped and had an on/off relationship with the game.
After returning properly, I managed to do a few things: (1) (almost) build a basic Geo squad for Padme/GAC, (2) get JKR (today actually), (3) relic Vader (still @ R2). My current plan is:
(a) Cantina farms:
a.1. Finish GBA (38/100) to get Padme.
a.2. Get Vader to R5
a.3. Finish JKA (9/65, 4*)
(b) Normal energy:
b.1. Get Bossk and Jango (13/30, 3*) to 7* (67/85 atm) for Chewie.
b.2. Get Piett to 7* (0/330 atm)
(c) Fleet energy
- I'm a bit lost here, among the Shaak Ti, Greef/Y-wing and Carth nodes. I lean on Shaak Ti to be my 5th for my JKR team, when GK eventually leaves for Padme. Note, I can't beat Hard 5B yet. Also, I REALLY hate ships!
(d) Stores:
d.1. Shard currency from Cantina.
d.2. Gear from Guild.
d.3. Prestige from Squad Arena.
d.4. Ships and/or Shard currency from GW.
d.5. Omega/Zeta/Cody/Grievous from Fleet (I pivot between those, depending on whether I currently need Omega/Zetas for a squad).
d.6. Gear from Guild Events
d.7. Gear from Shard
General Plan:
My short-term goal is to finish JKR for Arena (use as Leader and replace R2 for defense) and relic Vader (I use a Palp/Vader team on offense). My arena is an ocean of JKR/DR(w/ Malak) teams, which makes it really hard to cope. Same goes for GAC: my GP is a bit bloated from toons of old (pre-Revan) and I constaly get matched with people who have all the new (and much much better) teams (DR/JKR/Padme/NS, even low star Mon Mothmas!). My ships are truly horrible.
My mid-term goal is to build BHs, get Chewbacca up and running and, then, gear/zeta a Padme team.
Long-term, I'm a bit confused: would prefer to go for SEE (since I'll built my dark side as well, which is lacking), but maybe C3P0 is a better choice (my Ewoks are terrible).
To enjoy the game, I chose to ignore Wampa/Hoda/Malak/GAS. While great toons and some required for others (JKL, JML), I prefer to ease the gear grind than get a 2020 Galactic Legend in 2022 or so. The only GET toon I might consider (in the far future) would be Malak (if I ever go for DR).
I don't mind spending a bit (like ~10$/month). My guild is doing heroic raids and Hoth TBs (~100m GP).
That was a long post! Would love some feedback to get me going again! My swgoh.gg is https://swgoh.gg/u/koragaz (doesn't show the latest updates, ie. R2 Vader and JKR @ G8 with 1 zeta). Thanks!
After returning properly, I managed to do a few things: (1) (almost) build a basic Geo squad for Padme/GAC, (2) get JKR (today actually), (3) relic Vader (still @ R2). My current plan is:
(a) Cantina farms:
a.1. Finish GBA (38/100) to get Padme.
a.2. Get Vader to R5
a.3. Finish JKA (9/65, 4*)
(b) Normal energy:
b.1. Get Bossk and Jango (13/30, 3*) to 7* (67/85 atm) for Chewie.
b.2. Get Piett to 7* (0/330 atm)
(c) Fleet energy
- I'm a bit lost here, among the Shaak Ti, Greef/Y-wing and Carth nodes. I lean on Shaak Ti to be my 5th for my JKR team, when GK eventually leaves for Padme. Note, I can't beat Hard 5B yet. Also, I REALLY hate ships!
(d) Stores:
d.1. Shard currency from Cantina.
d.2. Gear from Guild.
d.3. Prestige from Squad Arena.
d.4. Ships and/or Shard currency from GW.
d.5. Omega/Zeta/Cody/Grievous from Fleet (I pivot between those, depending on whether I currently need Omega/Zetas for a squad).
d.6. Gear from Guild Events
d.7. Gear from Shard
General Plan:
My short-term goal is to finish JKR for Arena (use as Leader and replace R2 for defense) and relic Vader (I use a Palp/Vader team on offense). My arena is an ocean of JKR/DR(w/ Malak) teams, which makes it really hard to cope. Same goes for GAC: my GP is a bit bloated from toons of old (pre-Revan) and I constaly get matched with people who have all the new (and much much better) teams (DR/JKR/Padme/NS, even low star Mon Mothmas!). My ships are truly horrible.
My mid-term goal is to build BHs, get Chewbacca up and running and, then, gear/zeta a Padme team.
Long-term, I'm a bit confused: would prefer to go for SEE (since I'll built my dark side as well, which is lacking), but maybe C3P0 is a better choice (my Ewoks are terrible).
To enjoy the game, I chose to ignore Wampa/Hoda/Malak/GAS. While great toons and some required for others (JKL, JML), I prefer to ease the gear grind than get a 2020 Galactic Legend in 2022 or so. The only GET toon I might consider (in the far future) would be Malak (if I ever go for DR).
I don't mind spending a bit (like ~10$/month). My guild is doing heroic raids and Hoth TBs (~100m GP).
That was a long post! Would love some feedback to get me going again! My swgoh.gg is https://swgoh.gg/u/koragaz (doesn't show the latest updates, ie. R2 Vader and JKR @ G8 with 1 zeta). Thanks!