5 years ago
Revan Zetaing Question
So really DRevans zetas all seem pretty lackluster to me. I suppose it must be a reflection of how good he is even without them? But of course I'm Zetaing him at least one or two.
Which is going to be the most useful do you guys think in my situ?
In cAse you're too lazy to look at my .GG
I run Jango(L), boba, either aurra or embo depending on if they have taunters or if I want the basic attack stun which hits more often than not. And I round out my squad with DRevan and BSF. This for my SA team. So I'm not using my DR as leader RN, except in like guild events and GA etc.
I wanted to get the healing at 50% health, but u want to know if he's above 50% health and someone kills him in one hit will he die or will his health still get equalized after the attack?
Then j was going to do enemies can't attack twice or assist targeting DRevan and prob wait a good long while for the leader zeta... What's the most useful though?
So really DRevans zetas all seem pretty lackluster to me. I suppose it must be a reflection of how good he is even without them? But of course I'm Zetaing him at least one or two.
Which is going to be the most useful do you guys think in my situ?
In cAse you're too lazy to look at my .GG
I run Jango(L), boba, either aurra or embo depending on if they have taunters or if I want the basic attack stun which hits more often than not. And I round out my squad with DRevan and BSF. This for my SA team. So I'm not using my DR as leader RN, except in like guild events and GA etc.
I wanted to get the healing at 50% health, but u want to know if he's above 50% health and someone kills him in one hit will he die or will his health still get equalized after the attack?
Then j was going to do enemies can't attack twice or assist targeting DRevan and prob wait a good long while for the leader zeta... What's the most useful though?