7 years ago
Rework: Cad Bane
UNIT NAME: Cad Bane ALIGNMENT: Dark CATEGORIES: Bounty Hunter, Scoundrel, Support *UPDATED TEXT SHOW IN GREEN* ABILITIES: Basic: GUN SLINGER FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target...
"IE4TAPPL3S;c-1627393" wrote:
Are they serious? We're taking about CAD BANE. The blue ex smoker from the anti cigarette commercials who took on two jedi masters at the same time, and came out a free alien. He freaking trained boba fett. Do the devs know who Cad Bane is? He's more powerful than any of the **** bounty hunters they have in the game. This is disappointing. #notmycadbane Lately, I've been upset with many of their choices. Someone from my guild quit GOH today.