Forum Discussion

Tbirds2001's avatar
6 years ago

Savage lead good defensive GA leader?

Here’s a team I thought of that might be good defensively for GA.
For 3v3, I thought of savage lead with sith trooper and dark Bastila.
For 5v5, I thought of savage lead with sith trooper, dark bastila, Sion, and sith assassin.
Do you think this would be a good defensive team?
Savage is a beast of a character, especially under his own leadership. Dark bastila gives even more defense to savage because he’s in the leader spot. Sith trooper and Sion back eachother up being two tanks, plus getting extra tenacity and defense from savages lead, and assassin gives everyone turn meter which is needed as that lead doesn’t have any speed or turn meter gain to it. Besides, assassin has always been great paired with savage.
Just some theory crafting, do you guys think it’ll work well?
@Crazygone510 I might as well tag you here, master of all sith.

2 Replies

  • aren't those really low damage teams, especially in 3v3? Sure, Bast will control well, but that means nothing if you can't get them below 50% health.

    I think it'd be an easy W against the 3v3 if I just put someone in to control Bast and someone else to stack their own damage to beat out all the defense. KRU FOX FOO. or something built around Yolo. Or Wampa. (Yolo is the worst counter here bc is Bast gets a shock off, he stops stacking damage)

    You have less of the same issue in your 5v5, but honestly, I think it's a waste of some of the better sith. I think the Sith should be split between Palp and Traya leads. If you don't have Traya, Savage is fine (if you don't have zmaul), but all the good Sith should be with Palp. That means SiT and Sion.

    Alternatively, I think Savage is great for cleaning up on offense. Put him in with Sass and Bast/SiT. Sass will bring targets below 50% health without touching protection. Savage will smash. Bast/SiT will make sure the operation runs smoothly.
  • I personally just use him with 2 trash toons. Will still take a real team to beat him.