Forum Discussion

AnrathEther's avatar
7 years ago

Scimitar (Maul's) Ship Issue (as reinforcment)

So I just did an auto Battle in Ships with this lineup:
Adv. Tie
... with reinforcements:

Issue is... When Biggs dies (first one to die), Scimitar comes in and ... attacks! wtheck?! Why didn't Scimitar use cloak, with Fives the target?
Anyone know how the AI works on auto?


13 Replies

  • Ships battle is broken, and no fixes are on the horizon. It was put in as a way to force you to get additional content for zeta mats, and the mechanics were never really given much thought. You can have a fully maxed fleet and you will still get beat by someone with a wack fleet that's 100,000 GP less than you. The AI will always do things that are dumb like not cloaking or keep attacking tie fighter........

  • I've actually had 2-3 times where I have seen Scimitar AI (all times on the opponent side) show up as a reinforcement and attack rather than use the cloak. It's rare but it can happen.
  • Scimitar can't target himself. If your team is damaged and scimitar arrive with the most hp/prot we can suppose he just attack