Forum Discussion

moleskin333's avatar
8 years ago

Shift Arena team

Hi there,

My current Arena team is: zader (l), tfp, rg, shore, palp.

I am doing pretty fine, top 20 - top 10.
Most in My shard are running zaul partially with chaze.
I am now thinking about a shift to the following Team:

Zaul (l) , zeta sid , zeta savage, palp, shore.

Do you think I would do much Better this way ?

3 Replies

  • With CG pumping out new characters it's tough to say where the meta will be in 6 months. If you have the workings of a Zaul team then it's probably worth shifting to Zaul. Zaul led teams are more forgiving when it comes to speed then Zader teams. What i'm noticing missing from your Zader team is a Boba. If you have him starred and geared then he pairs really well in that team (probably replace him with RG). It's crucial that TFP and Boba are very fast though as they will make or break the battle for a Zader team.
  • Ok Thx mate.

    If I shifted to zaul, what would be the ideal squad?
    From these characters:
    ZSid, Zader, savage (currently without zeta), palp, rg, shore?
  • I am having trouble against 2 Zaul teams on my top 3.
    1. Zaul - Palp (229 Speed) - Vader - Nihilus (6* - 203 Speed) - Sith Trooper (5* - 72% Tenacity)
    2. Zaul - Palp (218 Speed) - Vader (198 Speed) - Nihilus (5* - 197 Speed) - Sun Fac (Less problems on this Team - He used to have 2nd tank -shoretrooper- if I remember correctly, instead of Vader, it was harder back than)
    Can beat other Zauls much easier, but than again, no Chaze additions on them yet.

    Also have seen such Zader teams that destroy Zauls without even a retaliation. But their speeds were beyond my imagination. (And probably enemy Zauls were not modded that good on those videos)