There is a glaring issue with Phantom and that's Sabine. It turns out that Chopper and Ezra can carry the team so to speak but Sabine will be low starred for quite some time which will restrain the ships potential. It'll still be decent with Biggs tanking and Ghost but it's quite frail as it is.
I'm presently farming Scimitar as well, mainly for DS ship I'm doing Maul anyway.
Silencer is an easy farm, you may not end up using it later on but it punches hard and will be a solid closer.
Oh and of course the Phoenix achilles heel, gear will apply to ghost and Phantom. Those pesky Mk V stun guns are a real hold up right now. One or two of the geonosians are pretty tough gear wise too. As you've likely seen by now however through the Monday event, they're worth it.