if you get already #1 in ships, why would you want to waste resources on "meta" ?
you have effective enough team, unless you drop like crazy in defense (and i doubt you do) dont waste the resources. this is exactly what they trying to do with Hound's tooth and with the geos. to be honest, i use the same lineup as you, and i dont have problems with any of them.
i have like 400 of those yellow prestige (for upgrading the capital ship abilities), i have over 200 of the reinforcment hardware (can easily max 2 reinforcment abilities) and over 100 of the yellow omega mats for the normal ships. i see no reason waste any of those resources, or any of the gear, or any weird upgrades for modding on my pilots - as long as im getting #1 with 1 refresh MAX daily (usually 0).
if you are in the same position, id suggest keep hoard those resources until the new meta will rise. and as we know CG, the new meta will probably demolish any old meta, including Geos, or hound, or sadly, the tfp+tie+biggs that could run for so long for pretty "low" investment (F2P characters, after all). dont rush and jump on new stuff so quickly. at start they said Geos will be must for ships.. HAHAHHAA. they said Lando will break the ship arena, HAHAHAHA, they said hound will break the ship arena HAHAHAHA.
keep laugh and use the cheap squad!