Forum Discussion

Telorek's avatar
9 years ago

Sid or ST Han?

I'm a F2P player just starting out. I'm going for GS (cantina farm), QGJ (cantina currency), Lumi (GW), and I'm wondering who I should go for in arena. It mostly comes down to Sid, or ST Han, but I'm open to suggestions.
  • Han. Sid is great for early game, but his utility will fall off as you advance. Han will stay with you for the duration.
  • If you are just starting out:
    Sidious first, but abandon him at 5-Stars and stop leveling his abilities at level 3. This will greatly help with Dark Side battles and give you a strong early contender for Arena. There is a caveat however, you need to be farming Royal Guard everyday as you want to move away from Chewbacca as soon as possible and you need a taunt for early arena play.
    Stormtooper Han is by far a better unit but but few find a leader as strong as sidious early on.

  • Kaipyro's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Sid was great in the old meta, sux now, don't waste your time and credits. Too valuable now.

    St Han is definitely the way to go
  • "Push2Stops;462257" wrote:
    If you are just starting out:
    Sidious first, but abandon him at 5-Stars and stop leveling his abilities at level 3. This will greatly help with Dark Side battles and give you a strong early contender for Arena. There is a caveat however, you need to be farming Royal Guard everyday as you want to move away from Chewbacca as soon as possible and you need a taunt for early arena play.
    Stormtooper Han is by far a better unit but but few find a leader as strong as sidious early on.

    Cant say it any better!