Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Novice
5 years ago

Sith marauder good replacement for sith empire trooper?

I know almost everyone who runs a Darth revan squad uses sith empire trooper. He's a tank and taunts but how would sith marauder work under Darth revan? He gets a handful of buffs and would probably do more damage than trooper. Has anyone used him yet?

3 Replies

  • I've used Sith Marauder forever. I built my Revan/Malak squad on being fast an hitting unbelievably hard, so I pumped up speed, rather than survivability, in Malak an made him the fastest character on my roster. Then I engineered it so that Revan was exactly ONE point of speed less. Malak strips the enemy pre-taunt with his special, then Revan immediately whomps the leader to put fear on everyone, then I hit hard & fast with HK, Marauder & Bastila.

    It worked for me, even in mirror matches, but I don't really know if it's better since I took that route to avoid spending Stun Guns on SET & double up gear usage with ships. So I never geared up SET & can't directly compare.

    it works. But does it work better? Worse? 95% as good? 80%? Really not sure. But my Revan squad gets holds on GAC to this day, so it can't be terrible.
  • Marauder works great, and is a common fifth for a DR team. You do have to be careful though, without a pre-taunt, speed is even more important in mirror matches.
  • It works good on offense as long as you don't need a pretaunt. For defense, it makes you vulnerable if they have a faster Darth revan or a fast thrawn that will fracture your Darth revan.

    I also just reliced mine for papa palps. I may occasionally put him in on defense if my opponent has a slower Darth revan and it looks like they won't be able to out run my Darth revan with a character like thrawn.

    My sith empire trooper is only gear 10 though. If you have a relic with empire trooper, it would probably do better on defense than marauder.

    You can always use marauder in a left over sith team to clear the garbage teams your opponent leaves. Or in a Darth revan team on offense.