Forum Discussion

Ikky2win's avatar
6 years ago

Something overlooked in Anakin’s leadership

Like most new characters, I have to read the kit 50 times to fully digest everything considering how complex they are. One of the things I’ve seen people kind of freaking out about is you can’t damage other 501st allies while Anakin isn’t in cover, meaning first you have to strip his protection and then when he’s in cover you have to quickly defeat everyone else before he comes out of cover. True, but read the ability again:

“Other 501st allies can’t lose HEALTH.” The operative word being health. This means you can still strip away all their protection before sending Anakin into cover so that they are much easier to kill.

That is a big distinction. They CAN be damaged, they just can’t lose health. Thus, it seems like one of the strategies to defeating the team will be to remove as much protection from Anakin’s allies as possible, then send him into cover, then quickly kill the allies.

This also makes modding interesting. Do you mod his allies for tons of protection so it takes longer to remove it or do you mod them for tons of health so they survive longer when Anakin is in cover?


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