Forum Discussion

ocsquatch's avatar
6 years ago

Speedy Malak Killer Squad

If you have great speed mods but no malak and are trying to climb against a bunch of g13 underoos-wearing goobers, try this squad: DR, Nastila, HK, GMY, Nest.
Mod your Nest one faster than your DR and both faster than the opposing DR. It helps a lot if you can also get GMY faster than the opposing Nastila.
Nest’s basic clears SithT so you can hit DR with insanity. Boom: You have a huge lead. Nest isn’t just a one trick toony, either. She’s useful throughout.
(Once leveled up, Shak Ti would also work in place of Nest bc she’s lightning fast and clears with her basic.)
Obviously mod dependent, but it’s the most fun and effective non-malak counter I’ve found.

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