Forum Discussion

AbC7682a3552468's avatar
5 years ago

Spy's starfighter - Surprise Shot

So, since Malevolence is here, how long until devs can fix the Spy's ship?

On auto, this ship has plenty of opportunities to use it's Special Ability, but it just doesn't.
I just saw a video where it comes as reinforcement, the Taunt was with Anakin, FIVE damn Separatists ships and it just used it's basic ability.

  • "JudgeExodus;d-219735" wrote:
    So, since Malevolence is here, how long until devs can fix the Spy's ship?

    On auto, this ship has plenty of opportunities to use it's Special Ability, but it just doesn't.
    I just saw a video where it comes as reinforcement, the Taunt was with Anakin, FIVE **** Separatists ships and it just used it's basic ability.

    From what I observed, there’s something with the AI coding which makes ships less likely to use their special when there’s a tank taunting and it gets targeted. So it doesnt matter that anakin was taunting with the debuff, all that matters is rng rolled and gspy decided to go for the tank, hence it used basic.