Forum Discussion

Thenose79's avatar
6 years ago

Star Wars Galaxy of Mods

In an attempt to keep DR + Malak teams untouchable, you guys have made Arena, GA, and TW strategy primarily highest speed mods win. By doing that you have taken any theory crafting/tactics and threw them in the toilet. I have Malak and continue to get first everyday, but I’m watching my shardmates struggle with the same meta because about 3 of us have ludicrous speed mods. And being honest, those high speed mods were earned solely on luck. You’re ruining your own game and I’m watching my shardmates either give up playing competitively or fleeing the game entirely. Please make SWGOH great again!
  • DR, BSF, HK, any pretaunter, GMY - no need for Malak. GMY has a +21 higher base speed than BSF so it's absolutely easy to outspeed her even if your opponent has a ridiculous speed set. Tenacity up = no BSF's CBM = easy win. I'm getting sick of this constant forum whining.
  • Presaria71's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I don’t think the op is whining. He is winning and pointing out the others are leaving the game because of poor game design. Soon it won’t mean much to get a good rank because shards are emptying out.
  • Presaria71's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Does CG release that kind of info?

    I know they have it- need to make sure you’re turning a profit. But, I didn’t know it was available
  • "Presaria;c-1848481" wrote:
    I don’t think the op is whining. He is winning and pointing out the others are leaving the game because of poor game design. Soon it won’t mean much to get a good rank because shards are emptying out.

    The good news is I'm on a day 1 shard and if I don't play for a week I can stay top 200 a few months ago I would fall to 600+