7 years ago
I've been playing SWGOH since last May for almost a year now and the game has had it's ups and downs. I'm currently on level 43 but I'm making little progress in Light, Dark side and Cantina battles. ...
"FailingCrab;c-1804530" wrote:"G1975;c-1804501" wrote:
How do you fight and defeat a Rancor?!!! I can't do the same thing Luke did ROJ!!! George
The rancor is designed to be beaten by an entire guild of lower-level players, not just you on your own. For now, get your battles in and don't worry too much about the damage you do, you can always go again tomorrow. Between you and your guild you'll get it down.
Success in the early game requires focusing on a good team. You're probably using the same characters you get at the start - Luke, cheque, Talia, jedi consular, clone sergeant? They're quite weak and their kits don't mesh well together. You'll be much better off trying to get the Phoenix characters. They're all readily accessible - Hera and Ezra are on early cantina nodes, chopper is in the cantina store, Zeb is in the galactic war store and kanan is in the arena store. That team has good synergy and together are greater than the sum of their parts.
Another thing to note is that you want your main team to be as high gear and as high level as you can manage. There's no point levelling all of your characters to 35 and gear 4 if it means you run out of supplies. Better to have 5 at level 43 and gear 5.
You might have to replay some earlier nodes to get enough credits and gear to make it through.
Make sure you do all of your daily activities - the rewards will boost your resources significantly.
Also my ally code is 533-138-384 - add me as an ally and you can occasionally use my characters like you used bastila. If you message me, I'll put enfys nest in that slot - I reckon she can probably single-handed lyrics clear every node even if your other characters die.