9 years ago
T7 raid p1 question
Hey folks So I've heard/seen people solo or almost solo T7 p1 raids with certain squads I don't have Rex and my ewoks are not 7* except for Teebo. I'm almost g10 for Teebo. If I was to use...
"Poxx;503500" wrote:
Best of my knowledge, the ONLY reliable way is :
Teebo lead. He stealths himself half the time saving u from burning the stealth ability so u can reduce tm...omega it.
EE for cleanse and his basic gives Teebo tm. No omegas necessary.
Rex, basic reduces tm, special is a huge hit against an add and back-up cleanse + tm. omega his everything.
QGJ, basic gives tm and reduces it. omega it.
5's or RG for slow. Unless u have 5's gear X w/ a scanner, his potency is only 20%. He's better than RG only if u have him totally maxed and fully omega'd.
The only other reasonable alternative for QGJ or Rex is a FULLY geared ES w/ omega basic. He needs his gear X scanner for enough potency to stick the tm reduce. He can actually be better than Rex as EE's basic also gives him tm and his tm reduction is higher. QGJ gives himself tm so its an even swap at best, but QGJ is far better at handling adds w/ assist and buff strip. So, it can be done by 100% f2p.
Asking for easy to star up, easy to get blah blah blah toons to solo an entire phase on the highest tier raid is ludicrous, just sayin'. If these characters were easy to get, star and gear, everyone would solo P1 and odds r as 1/50, u wouldn't even get a chance.
Off the topic, what the heck has happened to society ? Everyone has a sense of entitlement, expects a pat on the back for doing the minimum, gets an award just for participating, expects massive returns for minimal input, expects ppl to do 4 them when they only do for themselves. We r doomed.