Forum Discussion

PachoPresident's avatar
5 years ago

Tarkin under Palp lead

I have a question,
I have gear 13 maxed tarkin and palp. When it comes to mods, i have my tarkin with maxed potency, because of the palp lead. However, palp lead gives a huge amount of health as well, so shall I replace my Tarkin's primary mod focus from protection % to health %?
I think that the round and diamond mod with 16% Health would suit very well when I put Palpatine's 35%max health lead? Anyway official mod recommendations don't mention this idea, so I decided to ask if there are any experts here :smile:
May the Force be with you!

10 Replies

  • 10 more speed is absolutely worth sacrificing 6.8% potency, Tarkin loads huge potency with every basic attack. Yes, switch the mod, that's a no-brainer.
  • Yes 10 more speed is Ok, but I was not referring to this mod. I showed it as an example for the primaries. I mean to change protection for health, as a whole, except for the plus and triangle. And of course, I will find ones with speed and potency in them, cause more potency for tarkin also means more defense
  • Once you have Tarkin at 80% potency from mods he gets EP's lead so 110 (30 right?) If you are in that zone then it is a non-issue. Speed speed speed
  • 73kemosabe73's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    5 years ago
    Just bc you have over 100% potency, doesn’t mean you’ll land every debuff. Depends on enemy tenacity.
  • Hey, actually it does not matter much. Regardless how you mod Tarkin defensively, he is and will remain a squishy character. His survivability does not really depends on how much protection or health is provided by the mods but by the very fact how fast (thus speed might be more important on him) you can get your Papa Palpatine train moving. Once the train takes off, the opponents team will have a hard time getting a move at all. So your Tarkin will not be attacked that often. Otherwise you are doing something wrong or chose the wrong team to fight against (e.g. Malak).
  • "Antario;c-2125699" wrote:
    Hey, actually it does not matter much. Regardless how you mod Tarkin defensively, he is and will remain a squishy character. His survivability does not really depends on how much protection or health is provided by the mods but by the very fact how fast (thus speed might be more important on him) you can get your Papa Palpatine train moving. Once the train takes off, the opponents team will have a hard time getting a move at all. So your Tarkin will not be attacked that often. Otherwise you are doing something wrong or chose the wrong team to fight against (e.g. Malak).

    Tarkin squishy? Relative to other toons of his age he's rather solid, especially if you have his potency high. Sure he's no malak, but I wouldn't describe him as squishy, for sure.
  • "CCyrilS;c-2125722" wrote:
    "Antario;c-2125699" wrote:
    Hey, actually it does not matter much. Regardless how you mod Tarkin defensively, he is and will remain a squishy character. His survivability does not really depends on how much protection or health is provided by the mods but by the very fact how fast (thus speed might be more important on him) you can get your Papa Palpatine train moving. Once the train takes off, the opponents team will have a hard time getting a move at all. So your Tarkin will not be attacked that often. Otherwise you are doing something wrong or chose the wrong team to fight against (e.g. Malak).

    Tarkin squishy? Relative to other toons of his age he's rather solid, especially if you have his potency high. Sure he's no malak, but I wouldn't describe him as squishy, for sure.

    Yeah just bc he’s a senior citizen doesn’t mean he’s a pushover
  • "CCyrilS;c-2125722" wrote:
    "Antario;c-2125699" wrote:
    Hey, actually it does not matter much. Regardless how you mod Tarkin defensively, he is and will remain a squishy character. His survivability does not really depends on how much protection or health is provided by the mods but by the very fact how fast (thus speed might be more important on him) you can get your Papa Palpatine train moving. Once the train takes off, the opponents team will have a hard time getting a move at all. So your Tarkin will not be attacked that often. Otherwise you are doing something wrong or chose the wrong team to fight against (e.g. Malak).

    Tarkin squishy? Relative to other toons of his age he's rather solid, especially if you have his potency high. Sure he's no malak, but I wouldn't describe him as squishy, for sure.

    "CCyrilS;c-2125722" wrote:
    "Antario;c-2125699" wrote:
    Hey, actually it does not matter much. Regardless how you mod Tarkin defensively, he is and will remain a squishy character. His survivability does not really depends on how much protection or health is provided by the mods but by the very fact how fast (thus speed might be more important on him) you can get your Papa Palpatine train moving. Once the train takes off, the opponents team will have a hard time getting a move at all. So your Tarkin will not be attacked that often. Otherwise you are doing something wrong or chose the wrong team to fight against (e.g. Malak).

    Tarkin squishy? Relative to other toons of his age he's rather solid, especially if you have his potency high. Sure he's no malak, but I wouldn't describe him as squishy, for sure.

    Look any toon with less than 50K base protection and base heath at Relic 7 is on the squishy side. In this regard, Tarkin is a squishy character easily to take out alone, no matter how much dmg he can deal.
  • "Antario;c-2125754" wrote:
    "CCyrilS;c-2125722" wrote:
    "Antario;c-2125699" wrote:
    Hey, actually it does not matter much. Regardless how you mod Tarkin defensively, he is and will remain a squishy character. His survivability does not really depends on how much protection or health is provided by the mods but by the very fact how fast (thus speed might be more important on him) you can get your Papa Palpatine train moving. Once the train takes off, the opponents team will have a hard time getting a move at all. So your Tarkin will not be attacked that often. Otherwise you are doing something wrong or chose the wrong team to fight against (e.g. Malak).

    Tarkin squishy? Relative to other toons of his age he's rather solid, especially if you have his potency high. Sure he's no malak, but I wouldn't describe him as squishy, for sure.

    "CCyrilS;c-2125722" wrote:
    "Antario;c-2125699" wrote:
    Hey, actually it does not matter much. Regardless how you mod Tarkin defensively, he is and will remain a squishy character. His survivability does not really depends on how much protection or health is provided by the mods but by the very fact how fast (thus speed might be more important on him) you can get your Papa Palpatine train moving. Once the train takes off, the opponents team will have a hard time getting a move at all. So your Tarkin will not be attacked that often. Otherwise you are doing something wrong or chose the wrong team to fight against (e.g. Malak).

    Tarkin squishy? Relative to other toons of his age he's rather solid, especially if you have his potency high. Sure he's no malak, but I wouldn't describe him as squishy, for sure.

    Look any toon with less than 50K base protection and base heath at Relic 7 is on the squishy side. In this regard, Tarkin is a squishy character easily to take out alone, no matter how much dmg he can deal.

    Is this before mods ? Because I'm on and most of the R7 tarkins have around 65k protection and health avg of 90% potency 55% amour .
    With 5 basic attacks under a palp lead he gets to 79% amour .
    I admit the health and protection are not the highest but the stacking potency to defence % is nice.
  • I’d say test out the stats on the mod page, and see whether health or protection gives you more of a total boost. If he’s at R7, probably health. If his base protection is still higher than health, then go protection. (With palp lead boost, health primary gives you around 21.5% health, protection gives you 24%, which are close enough to each other to depend mostly on which pool is bigger)