Not sure it's a good composition though.
I think RT gives protection recovery and retribution only to Imperial troopers.
But on the other hand, if Storm is the only taunter, you can make him recover a lot of protection w/ RT + zVeers and if you put him with a law crit chance I will land a lot of expose, who can be another source of damage. I guess a 1/1.5M damage at maximum, not bad and that would give troopers a possibility if paired with GS.
I think the zeta is a must have and you would have to call storm to assist as much as you can (w/ Veers and RT Steady) so he lands exposes.
The team would be zGS (L), Storm, Veers, Magma and Storm.
If you put Stark instead of Magma you'll gain critical chance and damage, which seems good but won't help with the expose, on the contrary. Since DT is required for P3, you can exclude him. And since Shore won't expose when counterattacking, you must not put him in the squad.