8 years ago
The resurgence of Chaze
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair! Chaze is back, and my offical star of the new meta. Aoe dispell which gets rid of all those annoying buffs, the ability to regen 100% hp if you don't get t...
"Swordd;c-1270398" wrote:"tRRRey;c-1268975" wrote:"TheMegaSage;c-1268079" wrote:"slickdealer;c-1268056" wrote:
Any mediocre team can keep you in the top 35.
*Shrug* I see g12 teams all the way down to 50+ on my shard. The fact I can comfortably stay in the top 35 day in and out with g11 characters is promising. Chaze is the glue that holds my team together. I know that top 10 is different, but we can't all be top 10, especially when paying money isn't something appealing at this time.
CL, Thrawn, Solo, GK, R2 is a full F2P squad, you can acquire all 5 without spending a dime
Thrawn at 7* was only possible if you spent money, or if you had the foresight to bank thousands of crystals so you could spam phoenix refreshes in time for the event.
If you see any #1 teams in a mature shard with a 5* Thrawn, let me know, but until that's a thing, he is not a FTP character for arena in any meaningful sense, especially with g12 locked for <7* now.