5 years ago
Thoughts for GA - Opponent has both Revans while I don’t
So there’s their top characters vs mine, I do have higher GP but I’m not sure about counters if they put any of those on defence.
Squads I have that are “good”.
NS (103k)
EP Empire w Fallen (Vader, Tarkin, Thrawn) (77k)
Bossk L (z) Bounty (84k)
Shak Lead (z) Clones (80k)
Geos (45k)
G12 Grev (2z) w Droids (65k)
Ewoks (z chirpa lead) (65k)
Luke L Rebels (Wedge, Biggs, Leia, Han) 70k
Resistance Fin L (z) /Jtr L (z) (80k)
Phoenix (76k)
Jedi Bast Lead (75k)
Lesser Teams but good enough for some lower teams:
Imperial Troopers (55k)
First order (65k)
Thanks in advance,