Hi all,
First post, thought I'd try to encourage those struggling with the thrawn event. I just beat the event with G10 Ezra G9 Hera G8 Zeb Sabine Kan. I've been prepping for the event for months. Based off of forum discussion, I was confident I'd be able to beat the event without too much trouble. I was wrong.
It took me at least 250 attempts. Perhaps the definition of "decent mods" was greater than I imagined (April 2017 shard). I have very few speed mods. Like others have said, you've got to kill the DT first. Ultimately, the difference was using assist on Zeb to keep Thrawn stunned. I lost Sabine almost instantly. Don't be discouraged if Thrawn resists Zeb's attack, between assists and Zeb basic you can keep him stunned most of the time.