Forum Discussion
9 years ago
Jedi - their potential is above average
* General Kenobi - to farm. A very strong jedi\clone leader, lots of strong skills. Also good as not a leader in any team. Speed an hp so that to use dispel and assist skills more often and live longer since many people try killing him first
* Qui-Gon Jinn – to farm, one of the most useful chars, is good at arena, GW, raid. Good leader. And omega at 1st skill. A perfect Jedi leader with zeta. Needs speed (to dispel buffs, call an assist and reduce tm more often), potency and damage (if possible)
* Jedi Knight Anakin (JKA) - farm, strong with clones, jedi, good leader, very strong at arena Needs crit chance and crit damage (to AOE hard without becoming exposed), potency (to inflict healing and buff immunity) and speed if possible
* Barris Offee - farm, useful at low levels as a healer, but not much. However has a nice zeta. Strong healer at arena with zeta. HP and speed to dispel and heal more often
* Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) – farm, a strong tank for arena especially with zeta. Speed, potency to throw and hp so that to debuff and live longer
* Hermit Yoda - farm, seem to be an interesting support char who needs speed and health so that to support longer
* Aayla Secura - farm, good at rancor and AAT raid (as a leader at 1 phase AAT) and arena. Her stun can be resisted even if she scored a critical hit. Needs crit chance and crit damage, speed and potency so that to counter attack hard and be able to stun always
* Mace Windu – fleetcommander (and that's all, in other activities he is weak, though beginners adore him). Hp, crit damage, speed so that to dispel more often and not fall below 50% health because then he hits weaker
* Yoda - farm, not bad at arena and in rancor raid. Speed and potency so that to grant tenacity up and foresight asap and be able to stun and reduce TM
* Jedi Consular - to farm slightly, useful at low levels. Nice pilot. Speed and hp – same as Luminara bit without ability block
* Ima-Gun Di – farm as a jedi leader at arena (though zeta Qui-Gon is better). One of the best leader for phase 1 of AAT raid. Crit damage and speed (+crit chance) so that to destroy droids
* Ahsoka Tano – farm, pilot. Was buffed recently, may be good at p1 AAT. Hp, speed and crit damage in order to improve her self-healing and damaging skills
* Luminara Unduli - farm at low levels since you need healers there. Leader skill is ok. Speed, hp, potency in order to heal more often and more effective and to be able to block abilities
* Plo Koon – do not farm though can be a good pilot with Mace. Speed and potency so that to dispel buffs and grant TM more often and be able to inflict offense down
* Kit Fisto - to farm, if you need a potency buff in rancor raid. Speed and hp so that to grant this buff more often and live longer
* EEth Koth - do not farm, though he can stun droids. Speed, potency, crit damage so that to be able to stun and inflict ability block
* Jedi Knight Guardian – do not farm. Potency and crit chance because she needs to block all enemies’ abilities and inflict offense down. Also hp to improve her self-healing
Nightsisters - do not farm except for Old Daka
* Old Daka – to farm, good with her stun and revival. Needs speed and potency to stun and revive more often and live longer. Not used much
* Asajj Ventress – probably do not farm, though with good speed mods she can be useful. A nice nightsister leader with zeta. Speed, potency and crit damage so that to AOE dispel buffs more often and that will give her speed (+15 for each enemy without buffs), be able to stun and hit hard so that to refresh all cooldowns on a finishing blow
* Talia - farm slightly at low levels, the initial weak char, healer. HP, potency, crit damage so that to improve healing and be able to land DOTs
* Nightsister Acolyte - do not farm. Crit chance, crit damage, speed so that to dispel debuffs from allies on a finishing blow and gain stealth asap
* Nightsister Initiate - do not farm. Potency, crit chance, speed to inflict DOTs and be able to make the target immune to positive status effects
Resistance - very strong with Finn zetaed in AAT raid, GW and TB
* Rey - farm, pilot, a very powerful DD, but her value and usefulness are now falling with the introduction of a new content. Doesn't need potency. Needs crit damage, speed and some crit chance + tenacity if possible so that to hit very hard and not get debuffs since she deals less damage that way.
* Poe Dameron - the fastest tank and pilot, hence good at arena. Needs speed, hp and potency so that to go first, reduce all enemies’ TM and live longer
* Finn - farm, Pilot. A good resistance leader with Zeta. Speed, potency and hp so that to dispel debuffs from allies more often, be able to expose and stun more often and live longer
* Resistance Pilot – farm because a pilot. Speed and potency so that to gain TM on a basic attack more often and be able to expose
* Resistance Trooper - farm. Potency and speed so that to expose and thus get 55% TM and to dispel buffs more often
Scoundrel - farm some characters. Get 5 scoundrels ASAP for credit heist event (much money!)
* Boba Fett - farm, pilot. Was buffed, very strong leader and dd. A top char now. Also a good bounty hunters’ leader at low levels if you put on all of them good potency mods. Crit damage, potency, speed because he can hit Very hard, should be able to block abilities and land DOTs
* Han Solo - see above.
* Lando Calrissian - see above.
* Veteran smuggler Han Solo - farm, a good dd debuffer paired with Chewbacca. Needs crit damage, potency and speed so that to hit hard and debuff more often
* Veteran smuggler Chewbacca - farm, a good dd debuffer paired with Han Solo. Needs crit damage, potency and speed so that to hit hard and debuff more often
* IG-88 - see above.
* Dengar - farm for a rancor raid. Good tenacity down skill. Needs crit chance and speed so that to land tenacity down and call assist more often (tenacity down does not depend on his potency, only crit. Speed down depends on potency)
* Zam Wessel - farm for arena, but only in scoundrel squad. Speed, potency, crit damage so that to place bombs and explode them more often and be able to expose and inflict evasion down
* Chewbacca - do not farm, though can be used in credit heist and on low levels. HP, potency and speed so that to live longer, get taunt faster
* Cad Bane - do not farm, not so cool, still can be used in in credit heist if other chars are locked. Good against jedi. Speed, potency and crit damage so that to gain TM on a basic attack more often and be able to stun and remove TM
* Nute Gunray - do not farm, still had a very good synergy with Leia when he is a leader. Crit damage, speed and potency to profit from his great crit chance and be able to place detonators
* Gamorrean guard - do not farm. Potency, hp and speed so that to be able to expose, taunt more often and live longer
* Greedo - do not farm. Crit chance, crit damage, potency and speed so that to attack more (see unique) and be able to place detonators
* Mob enforcer - do not farm. Potency, hp and speed in order to be able to place detonators and inflict defense down
Separatists, republic bounty hunters - all the characters have been discussed above
Tuscen - their time has not come yet
* Tusken Raider - do not farm, though as a dd he is ok and can perform well at rancor raid. Potency, crit damage and speed so that to remove TM and call assist more often
* Tusken shaman - do not farm, though some devs are farming him at their own accounts. Potency and speed so that to land all his DOTs and heal more often
* URoRRuR'R'R '- what is this? Do not farm. Potency and speed in order to be able to stun on his basic and grant tusken allies 100% TM more often
Chars out of categories
* Ugnot - do not farm, though strong against droids in p3 AAT. Crit damage, potency and speed so that to hit droids hard and be able to stun them
* Coruscant Underworld Police - do not farm. Potency and speed so that to be able to stun and inflict offense down
Charachters to farm first not a strict order
Galactic War shipment - ships, Biggs, Dathcha, Captain Phasma, Ig 86, Teebo (but see "ewoks")
Arena shipment - princess Leia, St Han, Ig 88, Hk 47, Admiral Ackbar, Tarkin, Mace Windu, Chief Nebit
Cantina shipment - Boba Fett, Qui-Gon Jinn, 5555 Fives, Ahsoka, Old Daka, Jawa Scavenger, Poe Dameron
Cantina battles - Geonosian soldier, Lando, Obi-wan Old Ben, Jawa, Jedi consular (for low levels), TIE pilot, Aayla Secura, Wedge, B2, Royal guard, Jedi knight Anakin
Guild shop (don't buy gears, you'll get it from raids) - Rex, Sun Fac, Darth Maul, Rey, Jawa Engineer, Dengar, Ewok Elder
Ship Arena - Wedge, Rex, Boba, Sun Fac, TIE pilot, Vader - but it is better to buy zeta materials
* General Kenobi - to farm. A very strong jedi\clone leader, lots of strong skills. Also good as not a leader in any team. Speed an hp so that to use dispel and assist skills more often and live longer since many people try killing him first
* Qui-Gon Jinn – to farm, one of the most useful chars, is good at arena, GW, raid. Good leader. And omega at 1st skill. A perfect Jedi leader with zeta. Needs speed (to dispel buffs, call an assist and reduce tm more often), potency and damage (if possible)
* Jedi Knight Anakin (JKA) - farm, strong with clones, jedi, good leader, very strong at arena Needs crit chance and crit damage (to AOE hard without becoming exposed), potency (to inflict healing and buff immunity) and speed if possible
* Barris Offee - farm, useful at low levels as a healer, but not much. However has a nice zeta. Strong healer at arena with zeta. HP and speed to dispel and heal more often
* Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) – farm, a strong tank for arena especially with zeta. Speed, potency to throw and hp so that to debuff and live longer
* Hermit Yoda - farm, seem to be an interesting support char who needs speed and health so that to support longer
* Aayla Secura - farm, good at rancor and AAT raid (as a leader at 1 phase AAT) and arena. Her stun can be resisted even if she scored a critical hit. Needs crit chance and crit damage, speed and potency so that to counter attack hard and be able to stun always
* Mace Windu – fleetcommander (and that's all, in other activities he is weak, though beginners adore him). Hp, crit damage, speed so that to dispel more often and not fall below 50% health because then he hits weaker
* Yoda - farm, not bad at arena and in rancor raid. Speed and potency so that to grant tenacity up and foresight asap and be able to stun and reduce TM
* Jedi Consular - to farm slightly, useful at low levels. Nice pilot. Speed and hp – same as Luminara bit without ability block
* Ima-Gun Di – farm as a jedi leader at arena (though zeta Qui-Gon is better). One of the best leader for phase 1 of AAT raid. Crit damage and speed (+crit chance) so that to destroy droids
* Ahsoka Tano – farm, pilot. Was buffed recently, may be good at p1 AAT. Hp, speed and crit damage in order to improve her self-healing and damaging skills
* Luminara Unduli - farm at low levels since you need healers there. Leader skill is ok. Speed, hp, potency in order to heal more often and more effective and to be able to block abilities
* Plo Koon – do not farm though can be a good pilot with Mace. Speed and potency so that to dispel buffs and grant TM more often and be able to inflict offense down
* Kit Fisto - to farm, if you need a potency buff in rancor raid. Speed and hp so that to grant this buff more often and live longer
* EEth Koth - do not farm, though he can stun droids. Speed, potency, crit damage so that to be able to stun and inflict ability block
* Jedi Knight Guardian – do not farm. Potency and crit chance because she needs to block all enemies’ abilities and inflict offense down. Also hp to improve her self-healing
Nightsisters - do not farm except for Old Daka
* Old Daka – to farm, good with her stun and revival. Needs speed and potency to stun and revive more often and live longer. Not used much
* Asajj Ventress – probably do not farm, though with good speed mods she can be useful. A nice nightsister leader with zeta. Speed, potency and crit damage so that to AOE dispel buffs more often and that will give her speed (+15 for each enemy without buffs), be able to stun and hit hard so that to refresh all cooldowns on a finishing blow
* Talia - farm slightly at low levels, the initial weak char, healer. HP, potency, crit damage so that to improve healing and be able to land DOTs
* Nightsister Acolyte - do not farm. Crit chance, crit damage, speed so that to dispel debuffs from allies on a finishing blow and gain stealth asap
* Nightsister Initiate - do not farm. Potency, crit chance, speed to inflict DOTs and be able to make the target immune to positive status effects
Resistance - very strong with Finn zetaed in AAT raid, GW and TB
* Rey - farm, pilot, a very powerful DD, but her value and usefulness are now falling with the introduction of a new content. Doesn't need potency. Needs crit damage, speed and some crit chance + tenacity if possible so that to hit very hard and not get debuffs since she deals less damage that way.
* Poe Dameron - the fastest tank and pilot, hence good at arena. Needs speed, hp and potency so that to go first, reduce all enemies’ TM and live longer
* Finn - farm, Pilot. A good resistance leader with Zeta. Speed, potency and hp so that to dispel debuffs from allies more often, be able to expose and stun more often and live longer
* Resistance Pilot – farm because a pilot. Speed and potency so that to gain TM on a basic attack more often and be able to expose
* Resistance Trooper - farm. Potency and speed so that to expose and thus get 55% TM and to dispel buffs more often
Scoundrel - farm some characters. Get 5 scoundrels ASAP for credit heist event (much money!)
* Boba Fett - farm, pilot. Was buffed, very strong leader and dd. A top char now. Also a good bounty hunters’ leader at low levels if you put on all of them good potency mods. Crit damage, potency, speed because he can hit Very hard, should be able to block abilities and land DOTs
* Han Solo - see above.
* Lando Calrissian - see above.
* Veteran smuggler Han Solo - farm, a good dd debuffer paired with Chewbacca. Needs crit damage, potency and speed so that to hit hard and debuff more often
* Veteran smuggler Chewbacca - farm, a good dd debuffer paired with Han Solo. Needs crit damage, potency and speed so that to hit hard and debuff more often
* IG-88 - see above.
* Dengar - farm for a rancor raid. Good tenacity down skill. Needs crit chance and speed so that to land tenacity down and call assist more often (tenacity down does not depend on his potency, only crit. Speed down depends on potency)
* Zam Wessel - farm for arena, but only in scoundrel squad. Speed, potency, crit damage so that to place bombs and explode them more often and be able to expose and inflict evasion down
* Chewbacca - do not farm, though can be used in credit heist and on low levels. HP, potency and speed so that to live longer, get taunt faster
* Cad Bane - do not farm, not so cool, still can be used in in credit heist if other chars are locked. Good against jedi. Speed, potency and crit damage so that to gain TM on a basic attack more often and be able to stun and remove TM
* Nute Gunray - do not farm, still had a very good synergy with Leia when he is a leader. Crit damage, speed and potency to profit from his great crit chance and be able to place detonators
* Gamorrean guard - do not farm. Potency, hp and speed so that to be able to expose, taunt more often and live longer
* Greedo - do not farm. Crit chance, crit damage, potency and speed so that to attack more (see unique) and be able to place detonators
* Mob enforcer - do not farm. Potency, hp and speed in order to be able to place detonators and inflict defense down
Separatists, republic bounty hunters - all the characters have been discussed above
Tuscen - their time has not come yet
* Tusken Raider - do not farm, though as a dd he is ok and can perform well at rancor raid. Potency, crit damage and speed so that to remove TM and call assist more often
* Tusken shaman - do not farm, though some devs are farming him at their own accounts. Potency and speed so that to land all his DOTs and heal more often
* URoRRuR'R'R '- what is this? Do not farm. Potency and speed in order to be able to stun on his basic and grant tusken allies 100% TM more often
Chars out of categories
* Ugnot - do not farm, though strong against droids in p3 AAT. Crit damage, potency and speed so that to hit droids hard and be able to stun them
* Coruscant Underworld Police - do not farm. Potency and speed so that to be able to stun and inflict offense down
Charachters to farm first not a strict order
Galactic War shipment - ships, Biggs, Dathcha, Captain Phasma, Ig 86, Teebo (but see "ewoks")
Arena shipment - princess Leia, St Han, Ig 88, Hk 47, Admiral Ackbar, Tarkin, Mace Windu, Chief Nebit
Cantina shipment - Boba Fett, Qui-Gon Jinn, 5555 Fives, Ahsoka, Old Daka, Jawa Scavenger, Poe Dameron
Cantina battles - Geonosian soldier, Lando, Obi-wan Old Ben, Jawa, Jedi consular (for low levels), TIE pilot, Aayla Secura, Wedge, B2, Royal guard, Jedi knight Anakin
Guild shop (don't buy gears, you'll get it from raids) - Rex, Sun Fac, Darth Maul, Rey, Jawa Engineer, Dengar, Ewok Elder
Ship Arena - Wedge, Rex, Boba, Sun Fac, TIE pilot, Vader - but it is better to buy zeta materials
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