Forum Discussion

Josh_WoLand's avatar
New Spectator
9 years ago

Tournament Defensive squad useless

Actually for what we need Def. squads? It makes nothing for us: no points for success defence or toons in def squad didn't block for use then in attacking squads. And I told you more - top players didn't care how powerful your squad is, they can beat anything. But less powerful got huge problem with fight your Biggsi-Wiggsi-Palpatine squad.
So my propose is - set less powerful squads and help others to make some progress. And share screens with you squads.
Help others and show EA nonsense of Tournament mechanic.

p.s. I'm not annoying player, every tournament easily take top 500 and top 100 with some difficulties. But I got many guildmates, who got problems with it's.
  • A good defensive team stops other players from getting as many points, making your chances of ranking highly better.
  • Repeat, it's true if you can get 1000-100 place. All players 1-100 didn't care for you def. They kill ya in a moment.
    And the main thing - what sense def squad if all set the least powerful squads? It doesn't matter who stand there. We didn't get points for success defence and it's didn't block that toons. In other way, all places and points get only in attacking.
  • "Woland_Nick;80500" wrote:

    p.s. I'm not annoying player, every tournament easily take top 500 and top 100 with some difficulties. But I got many guildmates, who got problems with it's.

    how does setting a low defence team help those guys exactly? sure they can get more points, but the competition can also get more points..
  • I dont think i will participate in this tourney this time in case they decide to keep doing new Toons for Tourney and Deathtrooper is a tourney one i will save ally points till i have enought to 7 star him. I need better dark side toons.
  • "Woland_Nick;788765" wrote:
    They can defeat other players with their less powerful squads.

    but if everyone else is also defeating those other weak def players with their less powerful squads, they won't rank any higher...
  • I might consider this actually, I've lost any sense of fun with these tourneys, they're just chores at this point. But if I can make an easier climb for those that want to try to get as high as possible, then why not.

    It's not like I'll be feeding points to the whales anyway, you fight teams around your rank, and I don't plan on trying for top 100. Just gonna enter, spend maybe an hour or two grabbing points, and ignore it till rewards come.
  • While it's true that the top players can beat each other's def teams and the vast majority of the player base can't... it is also true that players are generally grouped on a tourney shard based on $$s spent. So if you are a long time f2p player then you should be groups with other long time f2p players. If you are new you could be placed anywhere since you will not be competitive in any shard.

    So why the def squad, it is not about stopping any one team but about lessening the impact of the player pools deck. You see the same 7 to 8 toons (not counting droids) in the def squads. The squads made up of those toons are the only ones that can beat the other meta squads that contain them. If you have a full deck then you can field 1 current meta squad, a droid squad, and a gimped half meta squad and gain points. Someone that has the 3 squads can achieve more points with less cost than those that only have the one meta squad or a droid squad. If they pulled the meta squad from def then that would open more toons from the deck to create successful squads and thus lessening the value of their ally points.

    While it is nice to occasionally find someone that has a less than meta squad allowing you to essentially get some free points by not having to use your metas to attack with, it is rare and I would not hold my breath on people doing this.

    All that being said, I have long been an advocate that your def squad toons should not be available to use for offence.