Nihilus' health decrease is actually pretty nasty in effect. It's definitely worth the zeta. Thing is Nihilus is amazeballs without it also, between his mass CD decrease and Annihilate. Meanwhile both Traya and Sion doesn't quite come into their full potential without their unique zetas and of course Traya's lead. Think of Nihilus' zeta as the very delicious icing on the cake.
Give your Trio the love they deserve and you won't regret it. My Traya is r7 and the other two r5, and believe me they're a wild powerhouse. Although their g12 finisher pieces are lackluster, their gains at g13+ is nothing to fret at and those gains plays so well with their kits, more than most toons. Triumvirate is still a top tier team with pretty much any two sith beside them. Both Assassin and Savage are worthwhile mentions, and especially Dooku if you don't have him in a Sep setup.