A bit offtopic but saw that the palpatine event just started and i manage to do easily thru tier four but to unlock him i need one more tier but i am short two rebels at five star. So the ones eligible is lando biggs, sth. So the other rebels are four star wedge and ackbar, three star luke and bristan. Wedge and bristan i cant get done before the end so in theory i could luke from Cantina. Ackbar i need 65 shards, i get rank in top 150ish, so 600 arena tokens plus 200 from daily activities i could possibly get it done in time. My question is it worth it, would i be able to beat pal tier five with lando biggs sth ackbar and luke? Would you recommend to try it even or stick to what i am doing? Maybe getting two stars on luke this quickly might be tough (typically two refreshes)