Forum Discussion

nathanwh95's avatar
6 years ago

Utility Roster List

Hoping that this is the right place to post about this kinda thing but looking for some advice.

I have drafted up 28 squads for TW that I plan to work on and would like help on matching each squad with a counter squad. Only rule is each team can only be used once so think carefully. Assume max gear and zetas.

(Note: To try and maximise use of characters I plan to use the Sith Trio as a team of 3 only, as well as Nest and Wampa used almost as a solo team, just added Tuskens and Gar Saxon respectively to flesh it out a bit.)

Teams are as follows:

Hera (L), Zeb, Kanan, Ezra, Sabine
CLS (L), Han Solo, Chewbacca, C3PO, R2-D2
JKR (L), General Kenobi, GMYoda, Bastilla Shan, Jolee Bindo
Rex (L), Echo, Fives, CSP1, Cody
Chirpa (L), Wicket, Paploo, Logray, Ewok Elder
Jyn Erso (L), Baze, Chirrut, Cassian, K2SO
Wedge (L), Biggs, Lando, St. Han, Leia
Padma (L), Barriss, CW Chewbacca, JKA, Ahsoka Tano
JTRey (L), BB8, Chopper, T3-M4, L3-37
Finn (L), Poe, Res. Trooper, Scav Rey, Holdo
Carth (L), Mission, Zaalbar, Juhani, Ordo
Qui Gon (L), H.Yoda, Old Ben, Mace, Visas......(I know this one is rough lol)
Qi'ra (L), VetChew, VetHan, VanChew, YoungHan
Nebit (L), Jawa, Dathcha, JScav, JEng
Boba (L), Dengar, Greedo, Cad Bane, Zam
Jango (L), Bossk, Aurra, Embo, IG-88
Grievous (L), B1, B2, IG-100, Droideka
Nute (L), Dooku, GSoldier, GSpy, Sun Fac
Maul (L), Sidious, Savage, SMarauder, SAssassin
DRevan (L), HK-47, BSF, Malak, STrooper
Thrawn (L), DTrooper, Krennic, MTrooper, StTrooper
Palp (L) Vader, RG, TFP, GMT
Veers (L), Starck, RTrooper, SnTrooper, ShTrooper
Asajj (L), Talzin, Talia, Zombie, Daka
KRU (L), KR, FOOff, FOStorm, FOExec
Gar Saxon (L), ISC, Nest
Urr.......r (L), TRaider, TShaman, Wampa
Traya (L), Nihilus, Sion

Thanks in advance.
  • For TW ? TW ?
    that game mode where the guild work together, and you need 4 teams for defense, 4 teams for offense ? and you want to use 28 teams ? even in ga you need max of 7 def, 7 offense. thats 14. how you got to 28 teams ???
    how do you think that will be, efficiency - wise ?
    scraping the bottom of your roster is a bad idea. minimize teams while maximize their performance and utility.
  • "Sidious_Is_Pikachu;c-1875283" wrote:
    For TW ? TW ?
    that game mode where the guild work together, and you need 4 teams for defense, 4 teams for offense ?

    I don't remember reading that in the TW descriptions.

    Different guilds are at different places and do different things.
  • As someone that loves having all of the teams and using all of my toons just because, I admire your goal. I personally like TW Defense and think it is a good place to test teams. If your teams can win under AI control, its a pretty good team. Last TW 6 of my D teams had 39 wins in front and center zones. Ive done slightly better and worse but they usually perform pretty well on average because Ive spent time on them.

    BUT don't spread yourself too thin. Depending on your GP level this project can break you.

    But if it were me: Remove Jawas, Tuskens and Gar Saxon teams. They just are not useful right now and a waste of resources.

    As far as specific counters, there is a good discord run by @SidiousIsPikachu that is very helpful for such things, even if I dont agree with him that you only need 14 good teams. ;)

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