So I asked this question in a different post and for some reason it was moved to the character strategy discussion. But it has nothing to do with strategy. So I'll try again.
Why isn't Ventress a Bounty Hunter?
She was a member of Boba's Bounty Hunter group. And on She is listed as #7 on the top 10 Bounty Hunter's list.
6 of the top 10 are in the game as Bounty Hunters. 3 are not in the game (yet?) being Jango Fett, Bossk, and Aurra Sing. The last would be Ventress, in game, but not a Bounty Hunter.
CG, what's up with that?
So maybe we vote.
If enough people vote maybe CG will change their mind.
Ventress Bounty Hunter?
Yes or No?