Forum Discussion

mhmacleod's avatar
6 years ago

Vulture Droids called in by Malevolence

I guess there's a low chance now of confirming the answers to these questions but I'd like to throw these out anyway seeing as I haven't seen them being asked yet (at least on the first page of General Discussion):

1. What are the stats of these 'free' vulture droids? I'm assuming they can be scaled somehow, but to what? The Malevolence or our existing vulture Droid toon? The latter would definitely incentivise building it way up...
2. Do these also inherit the 'main' ship's ability to come back one more time upon death? Ahnald's video seemed to imply that although it could just be his assumption.
3. Lastly, as it affects reinforcements in there a '6th position' these can be called into if the main 5 are filled up? I wasn't able to get to that point in my runs on the Marquee...
  • 1.I would assume they work like rocket trooper in tb, sobthey would scale to malevolence. Not sure 2.Interesting question
    3.still only 5 slots
  • 1. Not confirmed but I think they are 7 star vulture droids.

    2. So if the main vulture droid dies it'll summon one vulture droid (Doesn't work for summoned vulture droids). All summoned vulture droids will die once every real ship is defeated (like C3PO, Hermit Yoda, Wat Tambor). So no endless loop. You need to have at least one real ship.

    If GG's cap ship does a special ability it'll summon a vulture droid. It is a double edged sword.

    3. No. 5 is the max.
  • I wasn't able to call in my Sith Fighter because a summoned Vulture held the fifth spot. I'm guessing we'll see a slightly tweaked kit for Malevolence upon release. As a side-note, the Malevolence in the event worked great with sith ships, was able to beat the bonus tier easily 5 times without losing any ships besides the vultures. I'm thinking it will work as a great placeholder for an eventual sith capital. Hoping at least. Especially if Dooku gets his spaceship.
  • "MightyWizard;c-1931079" wrote:
    I wasn't able to call in my Sith Fighter because a summoned Vulture held the fifth spot. I'm guessing we'll see a slightly tweaked kit for Malevolence upon release. As a side-note, the Malevolence in the event worked great with sith ships, was able to beat the bonus tier easily 5 times without losing any ships besides the vultures. I'm thinking it will work as a great placeholder for an eventual sith capital. Hoping at least. Especially if Dooku gets his spaceship.

    What was your starting lineup and reinforcements? I have all my Sith ships maxed so I’d be curious to try it out.
  • "Gheyst1214;c-1931171" wrote:
    "MightyWizard;c-1931079" wrote:
    I wasn't able to call in my Sith Fighter because a summoned Vulture held the fifth spot. I'm guessing we'll see a slightly tweaked kit for Malevolence upon release. As a side-note, the Malevolence in the event worked great with sith ships, was able to beat the bonus tier easily 5 times without losing any ships besides the vultures. I'm thinking it will work as a great placeholder for an eventual sith capital. Hoping at least. Especially if Dooku gets his spaceship.

    What was your starting lineup and reinforcements? I have all my Sith ships maxed so I’d be curious to try it out.

    For the bonus event I went with variations of b-28 + Scimitar/Palpmobile/SF/Vader Tie. Had the most success with Scimitar out first. Had all 3 spots been open I'd have gone with my starting setup of B-28, SF and Vader Tie with Scimitar and Palpmobile as reinforcement. Anxious to try that out.